HH combined Feb 25 JW - Flipbook - Page 12
Hayling Herald Community update
Hayling Flower Club: Highlights
By Susan Marston
ONE of the main highlights of
Hayling Flower Club’s diamond
year was our 60th Anniversary
Celebration Show which was presented by members of the club in
December and, as promised, was
full of flowers, sparkle and glitz.
The show was opened by Club
President, Gilly Webster, who
welcomed our guests – Liz Pelley,
Wessex and Jersey Area President;
Marion Catt, Immediate Past
President; Yvonne Barnes, Chairman Fareham Flower Club and
Sue Craven, Chairman Alverstoke
Flower Club.
Each item on the programme
was accompanied by music and
Diamonds are Forever was played
at each interlude.
The show started with Vice
Chairman, Liza Bailey and club
member, Sue Marston placing
60 small green bottles filled with
white flowers, foliage and silver
ting-ting onto a circular table on
the stage. The 60 bottles represented 60 years of fun, flowers and
Chris Evans, NAFAS Wessex
Area demonstrator, then delighted
the audience with her beautiful
arrangement of white lilies and
carnations, with a base of green foliage in a large urn. Chris had also
prepared a second urn beforehand
and these were to form part of the
finale and ultimately raffle prizes
for some very lucky winners.
Jan Meloy had the audience singing along to Elton John’s, I’m still
standing while filling a large wicker
wreath ring with white flowers and
foliage. The completed ring formed
the centrepiece of the final tableau.
Debbie Hick then captivated everybody by decorating her model,
Annabelle Costaras as a Diamond
Ice Queen accompanied to music
from Frozen. Debbie made a stunning floral head-dress and matching sash. The sash was created by
making leaves using aluminium
wire and lime green bullion wire
and Debbie completed this on
stage by adding fresh orchids.
Once Debbie had finished, Annabelle left the stage and walked
amongst the audience modelling
the pieces and allowing the audience a close-up view to appreciate
Debbie’s beautiful work.
Finally, Liza Bailey produced one
of her fabulous hand-tied bouquets using a special framework,
especially made for the occasion,
complete with twinkling lights.
As the demonstrations concluded
the curtains closed and, following
a short interlude, were pulled back
to reveal a stunning tableau of
white flowers with silver accompaniments all surrounded by twinkling lights and lanterns – it was
truly spectacular!
Val Wallington was in charge of
the music, accompanied by Annabel’s husband, Rik.
Our president, Gilly Webster,
concluded the performance by
thanking everybody, especially
Jan Meloy, who co-ordinated the
Our club members kindly provided seasonal refreshments for
the audience and sold raffle tickets
– the floral demonstration prizes were won by some very lucky
We meet on the second Thursday
of each month at the URC Hall,
Hollow Lane, Hayling Island at
1.45 pm. Visitors are charged £8 at
the door which includes refreshments.
Our next meeting is on Thursday, February 13th when we look
forward to welcoming NAFAS
(National Association of Flower
Arrangement Societies) National
Speaker, Bronda Dossett who will
give us a talk entitled, 60 years and
Our Chairman Debbie Hick, can
be contacted on 07881 803728 or
by using the club’s email address:
flowerclubhayling@gmail.com if
you would like any further information.