2025 AIA-DC Advertising Media Kit - Flipbook - Page 4
Digital Advertising Opportunities
Reach AIA|DC Members Bi-Monthly
Bi-Monthly Digital Newsletter – Emailed to AIA|DC Members and posted on AIADC.com
AIA|DC NEWS is published bi-monthly (6x) and provided to members through email and online by the
AIA Washington DC Chapter. Distributed to and widely read by over 2,600 architects and professional
affiliates in the DC Metro Region. AIA|DC NEWS features news about AIA|DC members, member firms
and the design and construction industry.
NET RATES — 6 issues/year
Black and White Ad Size
Trim Size................................................................................. 8.5”w x 11”h
Page Image Area ...................................................................... 7”w x 9”h
Full Page ..................................................................................... 7”w x 9”h
1/2 Page (vertical)..............................................................3.375”w x 9”h
1/2 Page (horizontal) .........................................................7”w x 4.375”h
1/4 Page............................................................................ 3.375”w x 4.5”h
1/2 PAGE
1/4 PAGE
1/6 PAGE
1-3 issue rate
4-6 issue rate
Reach AIA|DC Members Weekly
DAC's Newsflash
DAC's Newsflash sent weekly to over 11,000
recipients, including DC chapter members and
others in the industry. Eblast keeps DC architects
up to date on current AIA events.
Newsflash Ad Rates: ....
One Week: .......................................$500
One Month:........................................$1600
3 Months: ........................................$3,500
6 Months: ........................................$5,000
Full Year: (50 weeks)......................$8,000
AIA|DC Social Media Push
AIA|DC will push your message out to our over
One sponsored push per week: $500
Average post reach: ............ 650
Total fans: .............................. 1,887
Total followers: ............ 2,518
Banner Ad Size:
Banner: 1200px wide x 300px high
(full color jpg + link to your preferred URL)
Limited to 3 Banner Ads per issue
Contact: Jody Cranford | 800-818-0289 | jcranford@aiadc.com