WELLNESS • PilatesNot sure which class is right for you?Contact Ally Denton to assess the class best for you - adenton@jccmilwaukee.orgIntermediate Mat Pilates with PropsIntermediate Mat & Tower PilatesAdults ages 18+Location: Studio AInstructor: Terri StevensAdults ages 18+Location: Upstairs Pilates StudioREGISTERThis class focuses on core strength, 昀氀exibility, and stability,incorporating props for added challenge and support.Modi昀椀cations and variations o昀昀ered for challenge and safety.DAYDATESTIMETUEAPR 8-MAY 2710:30 AMREGISTERPerfect for building core strength and 昀氀exibility, this classcombines traditional mat Pilates work with the support of theTower, o昀昀ering a full-body workout.DAYDATESMONAPR 7-MAY 26TIMEINST.FEEMEM/PTRN/COMM$132/132/192TUEFEEMEM/PTRN/COMM10:00 AM Joanie$110/110/1604:30 PM$132/132/192APR 9-MAY 28No class 4/29 & 5/6NatalieIntermediate Mat PilatesAdults ages 18+Location: ZoomInstructor: Terri StevensREGISTERLearn foundational classical mat Pilates movements using onlya mat and your body weight. This class o昀昀ers a full-body conditioning workout with an emphasis on core strength, 昀氀exibility,and control. Modi昀椀cations and variations o昀昀ered for challengeand safety.DAYDATESTIMEFRIAPR 11-MAY 3010:00 AMFEEMEM/PTRN/COMM$176/176/256HOURLY CHILDCARE | Open 8:00 - 11:00 AMFor JCC Member families with children ages 6 weeks to 6 yearsWhile you work (out), your kids can play! Hourly Childcare is open 7 days aweek with daily hours corresponding with our most popular 昀椀tness classo昀昀erings.Reservations are required up to 3 days in advance using the onlinereservation system at jccmilwaukee.org/member or by calling 414-964-4444.To cancel a reservation or check on last minute availability, call 414-964-4444.Questions? Contact Tina Bowers, Youth Programs Coordinatorhourlychildcare@jccmilwaukee.orgTina BowersYouth ProgramsCoordinatorRESERVEPAGE 32 • HARRY & ROSE SAMSON FAMILY JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER • jccmilwaukee.org • SPRING 2025
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