YOUTH & FAMILY • Parent-ChildGym ExplorersLocation: Family Gym (2W45)Instructor: Rec Sta昀昀Bring your little ones to crawl, climb, and slide around ondi昀昀erent age-appropriate obstacle courses during this fun昀椀lled open gym adventure. Parent(s) & guardian(s) must staywith their children to help them navigate the obstacles and playareas.Baby Edition | Ages 1-2 yrs with adultDAYSUNDATESAPR 6-MAY 25TIMEREGISTERFEEMEM/PTRN/COMM9:00-9:30 AM$84/0/108Toddler Edition | Ages 2-3 yrs with adultREGISTERDAYSUNNo class 4/13 & 4/20DATESAPR 6-MAY 25No class 4/13 & 4/20TIME9:45-10:15 AMJunior Edition | Ages 3-5 yrs with adultDAYSUNDATESAPR 6-MAY 25No class 4/13 & 4/20TIME10:30-11:00 AMFEEMEM/PTRN/COMM$84/0/108REGISTERTuesday, April 22 • 4:00-6:00 PMFEEDaniel M. Soref Community HallMEM/PTRN/COMM$84/0/108My First Art ClassLocation: Yeladim (1C15)Instructor: Sam NeilsonVoila! This art class is the perfect opportunity to create weeklymasterpieces alongside your little ones. Kids will learn basicshapes and colors through activities like 昀椀ngerpainting, collages,crafting, and much more.Baby Edition | Ages 1-2 yrs with adultFEEDATESTIMETUEAPR 8-MAY 279:30-10:00 AM$112/0/144Toddler Edition | Ages 2-3 yrs with adultREGISTERDATESTIMETUEAPR 8-MAY 2710:15-10:45 AMBrett ZinglerRecreation CoordinatorREGISTERDAYDAYCharlie GlynnRecreation DirectorMEM/PTRN/COMMFEESam NeilsonInstructorMEM/PTRN/COMM$112/0/144PAGE 12 • HARRY & ROSE SAMSON FAMILY JEWISH COMMUNITY CENTER • • SPRING 2025
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