James May June 2024 web - Flipbook - Page 52
The fact is that a poll among
likely voters with fairly worded questions might show Trump’s support
after any conviction actually rise. But
those will be few, if any.
The GOP and conservative
political action committees (PACs)
could soften the blow by running
what I call “hypocrisy ads” during the
trial. They would ask voters if these
well-timed trials, each filled with top
longtime Democratic political and
legal activists, are not the essence of
election interference?
How can the essence of the
New York case against Trump be
an intentional effort to hide the
alleged Stormy Daniels confidentiality agreement be illegal while the
corporate and tech effort to squelch
the Hunter Biden laptop story, right
before an election, be clean?
There’s the chance Trump
escapes without any guilty verdict.
That would foil yet another “perfect
scenario” to take him down.
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The problem is that the law of
averages aren’t with him. Too many
counts in too many bad jurisdictions
and venues. Too little paid media by
conservatives in the spring to remind
voters of Biden’s many weaknesses
and to point out in swing state advertising the many details— artfully
uncovered, but clumsily presented to
the public— by U.S. House of Representatives’ committees concerning
Biden’s past actions with his family
and their business dealings.
These are all issues discussed
every night on conservative television. But surveys show only about
20 percent of Americans watch any
TV news even twice a week. That
reduces the conservative channels
to below that figure. Most Americans
get their news from social media
and online sites which skew heavily
left of center. In essence most don’t
understand the details of much of
anything and what they do understand is heavily biased.
So how has Trump withstood all
of this so far? Because he is a oneman show, backed up by talented
people, who know how to get their
message out.
Yet now he will be stuck in a New
York courtroom, with gag orders, and
a chorus of media treating his trial like
that of the late OJ Simpson.
There is just one little catch to
the scenario I have set forth. Trump’s
core supporters will never accept a
replacement GOP nominee and will
make sure, should any emerge, that
they fail in November.
So even with the most dismal of
results, Trump will likely remain the
nominee of his party. The question is
this: Will all that is taking place this
year “interfere” with a fair election for
Trump and his party?
It seems that concept is subject
to rather one-sided interpretation.
Of course, miracles do happen.
Just ask Lazarus.