James March-April 2024 online - Flipbook - Page 38
governor’s name clinging on for dear
life and create three dimensional
signs that show Georgia’s beaches,
mountains and gleaming cities. It’s
advertising 101 and NO state has more
grand diversity of beauty to show off
than Georgia, save perhaps California
(and California is otherwise a wreck).
And put the governor’s name on it in a
way that makes it look like he or she is
hanging around for a while!
Make it clear that
Atlanta’s relatively new
mayor, along with the state,
are no longer putting up
with criminals.
is a ray of sunshine and a breath of
fresh air. Which leads me to…
Georgia is a world center for transportation. It’s a national leader among
Historically Black Colleges and UniverGET RID OF the blight on the side of
sities. It is darn near the new center
major highways such as I-75. Rotten
of the nation’s movie and television
old billboards, abandoned agribusiproduction industry. It has world class
ness buildings…you name it. Take
them out. And those rusted 1960s rock- beaches, mountains, museums and
resorts. The list seems endless. Get it
ets still waiting to take off next to fast
all on air and online and never let up.
food stops need to go too.
that Atlanta’s relatively
new mayor, along with the state, are
no longer putting up with criminals. I
have known virtually every mayor of
Atlanta over the years but don’t know
Mayor Andre Dickens. That said, even
from my perch in Florida, I beleive he
M ARCH/ A PR IL 2024
term limits for elected officials.
It transformed Florida. And if it is good
enough for Georgia governors, it’s
good enough for the state legislature.
TELL THE NATION how Georgia is truly
securing its election process. Regard-
less of what laws have been passed,
the nation looks at Georgia as it once
did Florida after its 2000 election
debacle. It won’t hurt to restore faith
in a truly storied judiciary. These days
Georgia gets too much attention for
the wrong reasons.
Finally, remember some of those
leaders who “brung us there.” One example is former Democratic Gov. Joe
Frank Harris, who is rarely mentioned
by the modern Georgia media. But as
quiet and as unassuming as he was,
Harris modernized education and
transportation in the state, as well as
helped bring the Olympics to Georgia.
Another example is Republican former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich. He almost single-handily assured
funding for those Olympics, without
note or credit.
Georgia is truly one of the nation’s
greatest states. A little polish, a few
reforms, and a tip of the hat to those
who built it will give the state the credit it deserves— and then some.