James July-August 2024 web - Flipbook - Page 66
thereby enhancing overall security and criminatory hiring practices. This was
the case in 2018 when Amazon used
trust in digital systems.
such an AI recruitment tool that had a
bias against women. Addressing algoTHE CONS of AI Implementation
rithmic bias requires diligent efforts to
identify and mitigate biases through1. Job Displacement
out the AI development lifecycle,
AI’s automation capabilities have
ensuring fair outcomes.
raised concerns about job displacement and the future of work. As AI systems increasingly replace human labor 3. Privacy Concerns
in routine and repetitive tasks, certain
The widespread deployment of
job roles become obsolete, leading to
AI-powered surveillance technologies
unemployment and economic disrupraises significant privacy concerns.
tion. Moreover, this presents challengFrom facial recognition systems to
es as displaced workers must acquire
predictive analytics, AI-driven surveilnew skills to transition to emerging
lance infringes on individuals’ privacy
industries or roles.
rights and civil liberties. Moreover, the
collection and analysis of vast amounts
2. Algorithmic Bias
of personal data raises concerns about
AI algorithms are susceptible to
data security, data breaches, and unaubiases present in the datasets they are thorized access, necessitating robust
trained on, leading to algorithmic bias privacy regulations and safeguards.
and perpetuating societal inequalities.
For instance, biased datasets used in
4. Ethical Dilemmas
AI-driven recruitment tools by compaAI’s lack of inherent moral agency posnies may favor certain demographic
es ethical dilemmas in decision-making
groups over others, resulting in disscenarios. For instance, in autonomous
vehicles, AI algorithms must navigate complex moral dilemmas such
as determining whom to prioritize in
life-threatening situations. These ethical
dilemmas highlight the need for clear
ethical guidelines and frameworks to
govern AI behavior and decision-making, ensuring alignment with societal
values and ethical principles.
5. Overreliance
The growing reliance on AI is diminishing independent human thought,
leading to a decline in our ability to
perform tasks as competently as we
did before AI assistance. This dependency can result in professionals losing
critical thinking and problem-solving
skills, relying instead on AI-generated
outputs without adequate scrutiny. A
striking example of this occurred in
the legal field when two New York attorneys were reprimanded for submitting legal briefs that referenced fake
cases generated by an AI tool. The
attorneys— trusting the AI’s output
without thorough verification— failed