James July-August 2024 web - Flipbook - Page 64
Of course, there is no quick or
easy solution to this incredibly complex problem. However, I believe that
finding and addressing issues such
as these is key to improving social
mobility— both for our students and
for the broader community.
At CSU, we are enacting a
holistic approach to this problem
through our new strategic plan
“Transforming Today for Tomorrow.” It is foundationally based
upon building student success as
we aid in upward social mobility.
This means we are enrolling students with a focus on their career after they graduate. We continue to invest in academic programs that have
a significant return on investment,
even as we explore new programs in
demand in the future. We offer needand merit-based scholarships, but
also have emergency funds to aid
students in danger of dropping out
or stopping out. Our academic and
student service programs are focused
on addressing barriers to success and
mobility in areas such as daycare,
mental health, and nutrition.
As an institution, I believe our
work toward student success can
be maximized through partnerships
within our local community and be-
yond. We are continuing and growing
community and corporate partnerships. Through several articulation
agreements, CSU has joined forces
with other institutions of higher education to support local K-12 schools,
while major companies are investing in our students via scholarships and internships.
Certainly, it is true that there
is no quick fix when it comes to
increasing upward social mobility
for families in the metro-Atlanta
region. However, Clayton State’s
focus on fostering growth through
our educational programs, student
services and support are the first
crucial step toward creating better tomorrows for all of us. As our mission
states, “We transform lives through
teaching, scholarship and service.”
But for all the CSU family, that isn’t
just a mission— it is a promise. It is
hope for the future.
Dr. Georj Lewis is the seventh president of Clayton
State University.