CCC Neale-Wade 6th Form Prospectus - Flipbook - Page 9
The Extended Certificate is for students who are interested
in studying the business sector at Level 3.
This qualification provides insight into, and experience of,
how businesses work, stimulating learners’ curiosity and
encouraging them to engage with commerce in their
everyday lives and to make informed choices about further
study and about career choices.
Chemistry is the study of substances, what they are made
of, how they interact and what role they play in the
environment. This course gives a foundation in chemistry
with the study of atoms, molecules, the periodic table and
energy, core organic chemistry, along with physical
chemistry and transition elements. You will have the
opportunity to develop your practical skills through
hands-on practical experimentation.
Business is a demanding but rewarding subject.
The course is split into four modules:
u Exploring business
u Developing a marketing campaign
u Personal and business finance
u The recruitment and selection process
Suggested subject pairings
A wide choice of subjects will work well with Level 3 business and
students do not need to have studied business at GCSE.
Life aer Sixth Form
This course is suitable for learners who are interested in learning
about the business sector alongside other fields of study, with a
view to progressing to a wide range of higher education courses,
not necessarily in business-related subjects, or looking at
apprenticeship opportunities.
A level chemistry is a demanding but rewarding subject which,
either as a standalone subject or when combined with other science
subjects opens doors to so many career opportunities in traditional
fields such as medicine, pharmacy, research and the pharmaceutical
industry and also provides transferable skills in the areas of
mathematics, business and law.
Course Specific Entry Requirements:
You will need a grade 6 in chemistry, or combined science at
GCSE and a grade 6 in mathematics.
Examination Board
Course-specific entry requirements
No additional requirements to the main
entry to Sixth Form
Examination Board