MDE Indigenous Education Initiative Tribal Consultation Guidebook - Manual / Resource - Page 19
ESEA Section 7004(a) requires LEAs that claim children residing on Indian lands to establish policies and
procedures to ensure that parents of such children and Indian tribes are afforded an opportunity to present
their views on Impact Aid programs; that they are consulted and involved in planning and developing the
programs; that applications, evaluations, and program plans are disseminated to them; and that they are
given an opportunity to present their views regarding the general educational program.
ESEA Section 8538 requires that any LEA with 50% or more AI/AN students or who receives a Title VI, Part A
allocation of $40,000 or more to consult with appropriate officials from Indian tribes or tribal organizations
prior to the affected local educational agency’s submission of a required plan or application for any of the
federal funds listed below. Such consultation shall be done so that it provides the opportunity for officials
from Indian tribes or tribal organizations to meaningfully and substantively contribute to the plans.
Title I, Part A – Improving Basic Programs
Title I, Part C – Migratory Education
Title I, Part D – Prevention/Intervention Programs
Title II, Part A – Supporting Effective Instruction
Title III, Part A – English Learner and Immigrant Programs
Title IV Part A - Student Support and Academic Enrichment
Title V, Part B - Rural Education Achievement Program
Title VI, Part A – Indian Education