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British Nutrition Foundation
Our partnership with the BNF ensures measurement
of progress with independent monitoring and
Chefs in the Classroom directly involves our chefs
and our wider development team going into the
classroom with a syllabus of topics to choose from.
These events also involve our partners from the
BNF and further supported by our own nutrition
team. Popular sessions include the ‘Eat Well Plate’
where younger pupils are invited to taste different
ingredients, explore new 昀氀avours, learn about the
‘hero’ ingredient and what nutrients do for the
body. The session titled ‘Powering me, eat well for
sport’ is also a 昀椀rm favourite. This topic can include
the personal experience provided by the chef in
conjunction with their own sporting experience.
Involving a practical demonstration on hydration,
followed by a cooking demo, it also provides an
excellent opportunity to ask questions about nutrition
and physical activity.
Read our Powering
Healthy Futures Partnership with the BNF
commenced in 2021 putting in place a contract
which measures our progress, whilst independently
monitoring feedback from pupils, teachers, and our
Our commitment ensures 100% of pupils are offered
healthy options every day as part of a balanced diet.
“Our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing
of the pupils we serve by providing valuable
educational resources to help encourage children
and young people to adopt a healthy lifestyle and to
encourage their families to do so too.“