iM3 Catalogue - USA - Flipbook - Page 21
iM3 | The Global Name in Veterinary Dentistry
Cat. Code
Chompret Syndesmotome
The Chompret Syndesmotome is used to cut and detach the
periodontal ligament from the tooth root. The curved design
allows for atraumatic extractions and preservation of the gingiva
and periosteum.
Curved Deciduous Elevators
The curved deciduous elevators are ideal for the removal of
retained canines (milk teeth) and are available in three sizes
suitable for the different sized deciduous teeth encountered.
The sharp elevator end cuts the periodontal ligament whilst the
curve of the elevator tip follows the mesial curve and the other
end follows the distal curve of the root.
Curved Deciduous Elevator – Small (2 mm)
Curved Deciduous Elevator – Medium (3 mm)
Curved Deciduous Elevator – Large (4 mm)
Minnesota Retractor
This retractor is used to lift and protect the tissue and the
user when performing surgical extractions whilst operating
the high speed drill. One end holds the cheek back and the
other holds the tongue down, a multi-purpose retractor.