IM&M Ltd Product Brochure - Catalog - Page 52
Electrical Safety Equipment
IM&M offer a range of electrical safety equipment and work alongside
Martindale, market leaders in electrical safety testing
Martindale VIPDLOKPRO150-S Pro Lock
Out Kit with Voltage Indicator & Proving
The ultimate solution for safe isolation, the
Martindale VIPDLOKPRO150-S lock out
kit contains the VI-15000 voltage indicator,
matching PD690S proving device and
LOKKITPRO, which contains the full range
of Martindale locking off devices, all supplied
in two convenient soft carry cases. The kit
simpli昀椀es compliance with Health & Safety
recommendations for safe working practices
when maintaining or installing electrical plant
and equipment. The new VI-15000 has a
1000V CAT IV safety rating and LED indication
for AC/DC voltages from 50V to 690V,
ensuring compliance with health and safety
recommendations for safe working in all BS
EN61010 installation categories.
Martindale EZ650 Socket Tester Kit with
Earth Loop Test
The EZ650 is a kit version of the EZ150
advanced socket tester and is supplied with
an interchangeable 13A mains lead and TL88
3-way fused test leads with croc clips. This
combination allows the socket tester to be
used at mains sockets, light 昀椀ttings, fused
connection units and distribution boards.
The EZ650 kit shares the same T-Safe TM
technology as the EZ150 to ensure that
RCDs and RCBOs will not trip when the loop
impedance check is carried out.
The kit provides everything needed for socket
testing and is supplied in a compact, soft carry
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