Best practices book - Flipbook - Page 441
Program Guide
Temporary Outdoor Shelters
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February 11, 2022
d. Port-a-Potties may not receive sewage from other sources.
6. A below-ground holding tank may only be permitted when BES determines
that public sewer is not available. A below-ground holding tank requires a
permit through the Septic Sanitation group in BDS.
D. Time Limit
1. A Conditional Use Permit is valid for up to one year from the date of shelter
2. A one-time, one-year extension to the Conditional Use Permit may be
3. A building code appeal through the BDS is required for a shelter to continue
operating for more than two years.
General Construction Standards
A. Sleeping Spaces
1. Sleeping spaces may include pods, tents, vehicles, and RVs.
2. Each sleeping space must be large enough to accommodate the designated
sleeping pod(s), tent(s), vehicle(s), or RV(s).
a. Each designated sleeping space must be located a minimum of ten feet
from any other sleeping space and building. The separation distance is
measured at a right-angle to the structure or property line.
b. The distance between sleeping spaces may be reduced to six feet when
each sleeping space is equipped with an electrical connection that
provides a radiant panel heat source, smoke detector, light, light switch,
and electrical outlet (plug). BDS requires an electrical permit for all
electrical work.
3. Each designated sleeping space must be a minimum of five feet from any
property line.
4. Sleeping spaces must be designed to minimize the obstruction of public and
private roadways and walkways.
5. Sleeping spaces must be identified by signs or markings corresponding to the
letters, numbers, or names indicated on the approved plans.
6. A single structure may accommodate up to three sleeping pods provided they
have interconnected smoke detectors.
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