IJCA - Volume 3 - Flipbook - Page 19
2024 | Volume 3, Issue 1
17. Ambrus, Á., VVN Doan, Szenczi-Cseh J.
Szemánné-Dobrik, and H. Vásárhelyi. 2023.
“ A. Quality Control of Pesticide Residue
Measurements and Evaluation of Their Results.”
Molecules. Jan 18;28(3):954. https://doi.
18. Horváth, Z., A. Ambrus, L. Mészáros, and S. Braun.
2013. “Characterization of distribution of pesticide
residues in crop units.” J Environ Sci Health
B.48(8):615-25. https://doi.org/10.1080/03601234
19. Ambrus, Árpád. 2009. “Estimation of
sampling uncertainty for determination of
pesticide residues in plant commodities.”
Journal of Environmental Science and
Health. Part B. 44:7. 627-639. https://doi.
20. Veiga-del-Baño, José Manuel, Juan José CuencaMartínez, Pedro Andreo-Martínez, Miguel Ángel
Cámara, José Oliva, and Miguel Motas. 2023.
“Uncertainty and associated risks in the analysis
of pesticides in homogeneous paprika samples.”
Food Chemistry. Volume 429. 136963. https://doi.
21. Ambrus, Árpád, Kata Kerekes, Henriet SzemánnéDobrik, and Zsuzsanna Domák. 2021. “Sources of
Random Variation of Pesticide Residue Analytical
Results.” Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL.
Volume 104. Issue 2. March-April. Pages 526–
538. https://doi.org/10.1093/jaoacint/qsaa119.
22. SANTE/12682/2019. 2020. “Method Validation &
Quality Control Procedures for Pesticide Residues
Analysis in Food & Feed.” European Commission
Directorate-General for Health and Food Safety.
23. Nazarloo, Araz Soltani, Vali Rasooli Sharabiani,
Yousef Abbaspour Gilandeh, Ebrahim
Taghinezhad, and Mariusz Szymanek. 2021.
“Evaluation of Different Models for NonDestructive Detection of Tomato Pesticide
Residues Based on Near-Infrared Spectroscopy.”
Sensors 21, no. 9: 3032. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Author Biographies
Dr. J.-Peter Krause has been working, after his
academic career, as a food safety project manager for
10 years and is now a scienti昀椀c consultant at Analytica
Alimentaria GmbH, a private company for food safety.
He has a Ph.D. in physics and has published various
research papers. He has coordinated research projects,
speci昀椀cally related to food safety monitoring, sampling
uncertainty, and development of chemical residue
analysis. He is internal auditor and trainer for sample
technicians in the company.
Udo Lampe is Founder and Managing Director of
Analytica Alimentaria GmbH. He has 25 years of
experience in food safety and holds the title of stateapproved private expert for pesticide residues and
pathogens crosscheck analyses in Brandenburg,
Germany. He studied Geoecology at the Technical
University Carolo Wilhelmina in Brunswick, Germany.