IAS Spring 2020 Newsletter - Flipbook - Page 10
Metal Building Systems (AC472)
Frequently Asked Questions
Metal building systems are no longer used for just warehouses or airplane hangars. They are used for car
dealerships, office complexes, churches, schools and more. The IAS Metal Building Systems Inspection
Accreditation provides verification that approved manufacturers meet requirements as described in Chapter 17
of the International Building Code (IBC).
Does IAS AC472 accreditation help
fulfill code requirements?
Did code officials have a role
in developing the IAS AC472
accreditation program?
What if I already have a program in
place for approving metal building
Yes. The program is based on the
requirements in Chapter 17 of the
International Building Code. Therefore,
code officials can accept IAS accreditation
as sufficient evidence that manufacturers
are in compliance with those requirements
of the IBC code, eliminating the need for
redundant in-shop inspections. AC472
does not eliminate the need for inspections
at the construction site during assembly of
the building. The program is based on the
IAS Accreditation Criteria for Inspection
Programs for Manufacturers of Metal
Building Systems (AC472).
Absolutely. The IAS AC472 accreditation
criteria went through an open public
hearing where it was subject to review,
revision and final approval by code officials
that make up the IAS Accreditation
Committee. The criteria is also subject to
continuous review and revision at periodic
IAS accreditation committee meetings.
Every year, there is a board meeting
(members are from various building code
official departments around the United
States) to review any issues that arise and
require updating.
It is critical to satisfy the requirements
of Special Inspection, that the Special
Inspections are not required where the
fabricator is registered and Approved in
accordance with section 1704.2.5.1To
complement and supplement your
program, we recommend that you also
require approvals for manufacturers to
be accredited to IAS AC472. This will
help standardize assessments across
jurisdictions around the country, which
could result in new businesses coming to
your community.
With conventional construction,
I receive a set of design calculations
and drawings stamped by a registered
professional engineer. Why isn’t that
adequate for metal building systems?
The IBC code (Chapter 17) does not
reference Metal Building Manufacturers
specifically, it references Special
Inspection of Fabricated items. In
conventional construction, the facility
fabricating the parts should have special
Inspections of the fabricated parts.
AC472 is specific to Metal Buildings,
IAS also maintains Accreditation criteria
for Fabricator Inspection Program for
Structural Steel (AC172). In the case
of Heavy Fabrication, AISC maintains
a similar program. The only way to be
assured that these functions are being
properly integrated is to require that the
supplier have AC472 accreditation for a
Metal Building or AC172 for other welded
Why require an accredited
IAS is a subsidiary of the International
Code Council. Obtaining an AC472
accredited manufacturer provides an
extra level of assurance that the building
supplier’s engineering/order/design/
fabrication processes all conform to highquality standards and are evaluated by a
respected independent third party. Other
advantages, which expedite the building
approval process, include: building
officials that deem AC472-accredited
manufacturers satisfy the requirements
that Special Inspections are not required
per Chapter 17 of the International
Building Code; elimination of additional
inspections; cost savings to verify code
compliance of metal building fabrication;
and assurance the metal building
manufacturer’s staff has a well-qualified
management system in place.
How does a fabricator apply for
The IAS application, fees, accreditation
criteria and related documents are
available on the IAS website.
How does IAS AC472 save fabricators
The IAS accreditation program has made
a significant impact on fabricators’ bottom
line due to the management system
required for accreditation. For example,
the accreditation criteria requires training
and job qualifications for personnel, as
well as formal policies and procedures for
acquiring materials, calibrating equipment,
welding, designing and inspecting jobs.
All of these steps enable fabricators to
improve production and lower costs by
reducing time and materials required for
reworking jobs due to errors.
How does IAS AC472 accreditation
help to best utilize a building
department’s resources?
Building departments that accept the IAS
AC472 accreditation program save staff
time and resources that would otherwise
be required to manage the application
process, assessments, maintenance
and publication of an approved list of
manufacturers that are qualified to design
and fabricate metal building systems.
Did the IAS AC472 Accreditation
Program replace the AISC-MB
Yes, the IAS AC472 accreditation program,
replaced the AISC-MB certification in 2009.
The AISC and MBMA jointly decided to end
AISC’s sponsorship of the Metal Building
Certification Program. MBMA and IAS
collaborated to develop the metal building
accreditation program over a nine-month
time frame, from August 2007 through April
2008. The AC472 program was developed
through IAS’s open public hearing process
under the auspices of code officials that
comprise the IAS Accreditation Committee.
The effort culminated in unanimous
approval of AC472 on April 8, 2008.
Where do I find a list of companies
accredited to AC472?
Click here.
How often are the fabricators
assessed under AC472?
Manufacturers are assessed annually by
IAS in addition through two unannounced
on-site inspections of the firm’s design
and manufacturing facilities to confirm
that the appropriate standards are in
place and being applied. This assures
building officials that the manufacturer has
continually implemented comprehensive
quality assurance processes in place that
provide high-quality, reliable buildings that
are built to code.
If I require that only AC472accredited companies can bid
projects in my jurisdiction, will I be
restricting competition such that
construction costs unfairly rise?
No. The IAS accreditation program
was developed to create a level playing
field for manufacturers who have
demonstrated competence to supply code
compliant building systems. In order
for a Metal Building Manufacturer to
become a member of the Metal Building
Manufacturers Association (MBMA), they
have to become accredited by IAS in this
AC472 criteria. There are a significant
number of companies with multiple
accredited facilities throughout the U.S.
who can provide you with competitive
choices. A list of accredited firms, along
with certificates, can be seen here.
How do I contact IAS?
2020 marks the 30th anniversary of
METALCON. This 3-day event at the Las
Vegas, Nevada Convention Center October
23-23 will center around metal construction
products, technologies and solutions. Stop
by the IAS booth to learn about Metal
Building Systems Inspection Accreditation
AC472 and Metal Building Assemblers
Inspection Accreditation AC478.
IAS Accreditation Programs
The following is a list of accreditation
programs available from IAS.
Testing Laboratories
Ms. Sandra McCracken
Director of Construction and Industrial
Cannabis Testing
E-mail: smccracken@iasonline.org
Ph: (562) 364-8201, Ext: 3442
Inspection Agencies
Mr. Walter Mershon
Deputy Program Manager
E-mail: wmershon@iasonline.org
Ph: (865) 617-2711
IAS general email: iasinfo@iasonline.org
Inspection Programs
for Manufacturers
of Cold-formed
Steel Structural
and Nonstructural
Components not
Requiring Welding
Medical Laboratories
Inspection Practices
for Metal Building
Product Certification
Certification Bodies
Building Department
Service Providers
· Quality
· Environmental
· Food Safety
· Information
· Occupational
Health & Safety
Fire Prevention
and Life Safety
Field Evaluation
and Instruction
Special Inspection
Fabricator Inspection
· Reinforced
· Structural Steel
· Wood Wall Panels
Inspection Programs
for Manufacturers
of Metal Building
Training and
Certification Agencies
FDA Food Safety
Modernization Act
Reference Material
Proficiency Testing
For more information about IAS visit our
website at https://www.iasonline.org/