IAS Newsletter December 2023 - Magazine - Page 2
APAC Annual Meeting Hosted by IAS
The 2023 Asia Paci昀椀c Accreditation Cooperation (APAC) Annual Meeting took place
from June 23 to July 1 at the JW Marriott Anaheim Resort in Anaheim, California,
hosted by IAS alongside other U.S. accreditation bodies. APAC serves as a regional
cooperation of accreditation bodies and related organizations focused on accredited
conformity assessment. This network’s primary goal is to facilitate the acceptance
of conformity assessment results across the region, thus contributing to the
facilitation of trade and the free-trade goal of “tested/inspected/certi昀椀ed once,
accepted everywhere.”
Raj Nathan, APAC Vice Chair and President of IAS, emphasized, “IAS staff played
a pivotal role participating in the technical sessions and overall organization of
the meetings, which took place in close vicinity of the IAS headquarters in Brea,
California.” APAC functions as a regional body operating under the umbrella of the
International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC). Watch Opening Session.
ILAC-IAF Annual Meeting
The International Accreditation Forum
Inc (IAF) and International Laboratory
Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC)
held their Joint Annual Meetings
from November 6 to November 15,
in Montréal, Canada. Several of IAS’s
management and technical personnel
actively contribute to various positions
within ILAC and IAF committees and
work groups. Raj Nathan, IAS President,
serves on the IAF Executive Committee
(Board) as well as the Joint Executive Committee of ILAC-IAF. Additionally, George Anastasopoulos, IAS Senior Vice President
and Patrick McCullen, IAS Manager, participate in various IAF Mandatory Document (MD) working groups. Karthik Easwar, IAS
Quality Manager, is a member of the IAF internal audit team, while Dimitrios Katsieris, IAS Manager, is involved in the ILAC Food
working group. Greg West, VP Accreditation Program Development Group, contributes to the ILAC IAF Communications group,
and Osman Vural, IAS Manager, is on the ILAC calibration working group.
Both ILAC and IAF comprise accreditation bodies from countries worldwide with the goal of providing mutual recognitions for
accredited laboratories, inspection agencies, and certi昀椀cation bodies.
IAS External Newsletter