Best practices book - Flipbook - Page 369
Building Confidence, Building Community.
429.12 Group R-X cooking facilities. Domestic cooking appliances, within a community building accessory to Group
R-X sleeping units, for use by the residents shall be in compliance with all of the following:
1. The types of domestic cooking appliances shall be limited to ovens, cooktops, ranges, warmers, coffee makers
and microwaves.
2. Domestic cooking appliances shall be limited to approved locations.
3. Cooktops and ranges shall be protected in accordance with Section 904.13.1.1.
4. Cooktops and ranges shall be provided with a domestic cooking hood installed and constructed in accordance
with Section 505 of the International Mechanical Code.
429.13 Lofts. Lofts used as sleeping or living space within a Group R-X sleeping unit shall conform to the
requirements of International Residential Code Appendix Section AQ104.
429.14 Temporarily placed relocatable sleeping units and associated buildings. Temporarily placed relocatable
sleeping units and associated buildings shall comply with the provisions of IBCA Section 3103.
1. Where approved by the building official, temporary structures and relocatable buildings may be placed on a
site for a period of up to four years without a permanent foundation.
2. Where approved by the building official, Denver Water, and Public Works, temporary structures and
relocatable buildings may be placed on a site for a period of up to 180 days without being connected to a
public water supply and without the sanitary drainage from plumbing fixtures being connected to a public
sewer. There may be one 180 day extension granted by the building official when required. A formal request
must be submitted thirty (30) days prior to the required vacancy. Where a water tank is used to supply
potable water to plumbing fixtures, the interior surface of the tank shall be lined or coated to conform to
NSF International standard NSF-61. The interior surface of a potable water tank shall not be lined, painted
or repaired with any material that changes the taste, odor, color or potability of the water supply when the
tank is placed in, or returned to, service.
429.15 Outside Storage. Outside storage of combustible materials and hazardous materials, including aerosols and
propane, between adjacent sleeping units is prohibited.
429.16 Existing Sleeping Units. The legal occupancy of any existing sleeping unit on the date of adoption of
this code shall be permitted to continue without change, except as is specifically covered in this code, or the
International Fire Code, or as is deemed necessary by the code official for the general safety and welfare of the
occupants and the public.
4. Modify IBC Section 903.2.8 Group R:
An automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3 shall be provided throughout all buildings
with a Group R fire area.
Exception: Group R-X occupancies
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Homelessness in the United States, How are Major Jurisdictions Dealing with This Issue? | page 14