Best practices book - Flipbook - Page 109
1. Purpose of Special Inspections and Testing:
Special Inspections and Testing monitor materials and workmanship that are critical to the
structural integrity of the building structure. Special Inspections and Testing are a review of the
construction to assure that the approved plans, shop drawings, and specifications are being
followed and that relevant Codes and Referenced Standards are being observed by all parties
involved. Good communication between all parties, including the Owner, the Registered Design
Professional, the Special Inspection Agencies, the Special Inspectors, the Contractor, and the
City of Rochester Hills Building Department, is essential to the safety and quality assurance of
a building project.
2. Special Inspection nd Testing Agreement:
This document outlines in detail each party’s responsibilities when using the Special Inspections
and Testing Program. This document requires that the Owner, the Registered Design
Professional, the Special Inspection Agencies, the Special Inspectors, and the Contractor read
the Special Inspections and Testing Agreement and acknowledge their responsibilities by
completing each of their designated sections at the end of the form. This agreement will only be
used for large or complicated projects.
3. Statement of Special Inspections:
This form is used by the Registered Design Professional in responsible charge to identify what
Special Inspections and Testing are required for a project. The City of Rochester Hills requires
that the Registered Design Professional complete all related entries on the Statement of Special
Inspections form and provide documentation indicating the qualifications of each Special
Inspection Agency, Special Inspector, Tester, Testing Lab, Laboratory Technician, and
Fabrication Shop.
4. Minimum Qualification for Special Inspectors:
Please refer to our document titled “Minimum Qualifications for Special Inspectors.” This
document outlines the education, experience, and certifications each Special Inspector and Tester
is required to have in order to perform inspections and testing within the different categories.
5. Special Inspection Log:
The City will issue the log for each project and require that it be posted on site. This log is to be
used by each Special Inspector or Testers for each Special Inspection or Testing performed, and
will be used by the Building Inspector to monitor the progress and status of Special Inspections.
6. Pre-Construction Meeting:
The City of Rochester Hills Building Department encourages the Contractor, Owner, and
Registered Design Professional to attend a Pre-Construction meeting before starting
construction. This is an opportunity for all parties involved in the construction process to
coordinate their efforts and develop lines of communication that will help in facilitating a smooth
and efficient construction process. This meeting can be scheduled at the time of the Building
Permit issuance. The Building Department recommends that a representative from the Special
Inspection Agency involved in the construction project attend the Pre-Construction Meeting to
discuss the Special Inspection and Testing process.
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