COP 22/23 - Report - Side 47
Total emissions
Strategy for new procurement/expansion
Total emissions: 85 tCO2e (equivalent to 25% of our
scope 1 emissions), this is an increase from last years
77 tCO2e(/20.9%), and is primarily caused by moving
Denwood by HORN to a gas heated plant in early january
2023. Furthermore the opening of our new production facilities in march have caused some increase despite our efforts to
optimize the effectiveness of the existing system.
This means that 55.395Nm3 of natural gas is distributed at
Denwood by HORN and in HORN’s 6 out of the current 7
halls and the administration buildings, which is supplemented
by a recycling plant.
Parts of the outphasing strategy will take place through electrification of heating through connected heat pumps. In 2023,
3 new halls (4350 sqm, corresponding +40% total building
stock) have been expanded, which will initially be connected
to existing gas plants. In other words, the future commissioning of new stone production and logistics centre will run
over the existing gas plant, but with the purchase of heat exchange systems (air-water). The expected savings from connecting heat pumps, before expansion, was -15% of the existing
gas consumption. The upcoming increase will be monitored
and work is underway to find savings areas e.g.:
PTG heat input for increased power of heating systems.
There is also an expectation of a transition to district heating
in the area – The possibility of this is continuously monitored
and is considered relevant both economically. To ensure
sustainable development in the area (see section on district
heating under HORN Scope 2).
Strategy on heating
Ambition: All gas must be phased out and replaced by CO2
neutral replacement by financial year 2025/26.
Total emissions
Strategy on passenger cars
Total emissions: 50 tCOe incl. ad blue (equivalent to 15% of
scope 1). This is an increase to last years 39 tCO2e(/11,4%),
and is caused by both more customer visits and a significant
increase in sales personel . All external sales representatives
have started their transition to electric cars in accordance
with our depreciation strategy.
Ambition: All passenger cars must switch to electricity no
later than the period 2025-26, with a clear expectation that
both driving needs, infrastructure and battery technology will
match. The transition to electricity will be initiated in 2023 for
new purchases and with a transition based on the expiration
of leases. Policy: Only electric and diesel cars are leased.
Hybrid is not offered as an option.
Total emissions
Strategy on Transportation of goods
Total emissions: 207 tCOe (equivalent to 60% of scope 1).
This is an increase to last years 182 tCO2e(/53%), and is
caused by more customer deliveries and fittings, correlating
to our overall growth strategy. This is of course a challenge
to CO2 minimization plans for the following years, however
we have confident that we will be able to find CO2 friendly
alternatives to especially our vans before 2026/27, which
currently equals 36% of the emissions.
Ambition: - Vans: All vans must switch to CO2 saving solutions no later than the period 2026-27. The optimal technology (electricity, hydrogen, etc.) is examined towards the transition phase to ensure that driving needs, infrastructure and
technology must match.
Ambition - Trucks: All trucks must switch to CO2 saving
solutions no later than the period 2028-29. The optimal
technology (electricity, hydrogen, etc.) is examined towards
the transition phase to ensure that driving needs, infrastructure
and technology must match.