COP 22/23 - Report - Side 16
What does that word mean to you - how do you define it?
You may end up even more confused, if you try googling it.
Sustainability is personal and dependent on expectations
and beliefs. But we do know it is something about not meeting our current needs on behalf of future needs.
To sustain an ability.
To HORN it gets personal the moment we risk having a
negative impact on something valuable to us. We value the
environment for serving us with natural resources, raw materials, to our products. We value all people involved in the
manufacturing process as they enable us to make beautiful
products from these raw materials. And we value you, our
customer, for having an interest in our products and therefore
enable us to keep doing what we do.
We want to sustain the ability to serve what is valuable to us
with quality.
Sustainability to us is thereby defined and developed within
the frame of what is quality to the environment – quality to the
people involved and quality to you, our customer.