Holy Land Art Company Catalog 2020 - Catalog - Page 311
Prie Dieu Kneelers
1410 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
23”w x 23”d, 34”h $1,505.00
1411 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
36”w x 23”d, 34”h $1,731.00
(Brass cross available at additional charge)
5040 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
22”w x 19”d, 32”h $1,032.00
5045 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
36”w x 19”d, 32”h $1,242.00
2172 Wedding Prie Dieu w/ shelf. 72”w x 21”d, 32”h $1,462.00
2172A Wedding Prie Dieu w/ padded armrest and shelf $1,532.00
2010 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
28”w x 22”d, 36”h $1,220.00
2011 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
40”w x 22”d, 36”h $1,446.00
(Brass cross available at additional charge)
1132 Personal Kneeler
Ideal for home use. Pad is
17”w x 7-1/2”d with 1-1/2”
foam. Frame is 16”w x 101/2”d for stability $145.00
2600 Prie Dieu w/wood
armrest and aluminum
mesh screen $1,247.00
2600A Prie Dieu w/
padded armrest
30”w x 21”d: w/opened
confessional panel 59”h
w/closed confessional
panel 32”h $1,317.00
2601 Metal Screen
Includes two pieces of
perforated cloverleaf
pattern metal w/a black
fabric center layer
53 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
22”w x 21”d, 32”h $661.00
53A Prie Dieu w/shelf;
w/padded armrest $715.00
44 Confessional
Prie Dieu
w/padded kneeler
and aluminum mesh
screen. 22”w x 21”d:
w/opened confessional panel 52”h
w/closed confessional panel 32”h
1210 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
23”w x 23”d, 34”h $1,521.00
1211 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
36”w x 23”d, 34”h $1,752.00
(Brass cross available at additional charge)
265 Prie Dieu w/shelf.
24”w x 21”d, 32”h $1,193.00 (shown)
265W Wedding Prie Dieu w/shelf.
42”w x 21”d, 32”h $1,543.00
2450 w/stationary kneeler
and aluminum mesh screen
2455 w/folding
kneeler $925.00
w/padded kneeler,
22”w x 21”d
w/open confessional
panel: 52”h
w/closed confessional
panel: 32”h
(2455 shown w/2601 metal screen
available for additional charge)
2601 Metal Screen
Includes two pieces of perforated cloverleaf pattern metal w/a
black fabric center layer $124.00