Cambridge International Catalogue 2024 - Final - Flipbook - Page 45
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12.1 Software tools
From the ‘Worked’ folder, open the image remora.jpg in your
graphics manipulation package. We have chosen GIMP for this
task. Select the Rectangle Select Tool and use this to lasso
the image of the remora. Before changing the image size check
whether the Fixed drop-down menu is set to Aspect ratio.
saving. This is one method of reducing the colour depth of an image. If you look
at the files remora.jpg, remora1.jpg and remora2.jpg, you should see their sizes
have decreased with each stage.
In GIMP (and many other packages, such as Adobe Photoshop)
images are resized using the Image tab, followed by Scale
This opens the Scale Image
window. To set the image
width to 80 pixels, change
the value in the Width: box.
There is no need to enter
a height as the image will
maintain its aspect ratio
as this had been fixed. To
change the image size, click
on the Scale button.
This will alter the size of the image within the package like
To intentionally distort an image you would fix the new width
(or height) using the Fixed drop-down menu and enter a height
as well as a width for the image.
To save the new image as a JPEG file, select File, then Export
As... and enter the new filename remora1.jpg before clicking
on Export. As this image will be saved in JPEG format, you
are given options on the image quality that you require. These can be
selected using the slide bar or selecting from the drop-down menu.
1 is the smallest file size that you can have, but also gives the poorest
quality images. 100 is the highest quality, but results in large file sizes,
which are much slower to download over the internet.
Resampling an image
This process of changing the image quality is called resampling. Images
can be downsampled, meaning fewer pixels are used for the image, as
you have just done by reducing the image quality. Images can also be
upsampled by adding more pixels. Downsampling reduces the file size and
therefore makes the web page load more quickly. Export the same image
again, downsampling the image by lowering the resolution (quality) when
Task 12D
Open the file task12b.
12.1 Software tools
12 second
IMAGESparagraph. Ensure that the
Place the snowman image at the top left of the
text wraps around both of these images. Save the file as task12d.
» Behind Text – this places the image behind the text. It can be used to
set a background image in a document.
12.2.2 Wrap text around an image
» In Front of Text – this places an image over the top of the text.
Task 12b asks you to place the resized snowball.jpg image at the top right »
of the
More Layout Options – this can be used to give more options to the
first paragraph. You are expected to align the image to the margins and to theselected layout types above. For example, if a Square layout is selected
top of the paragraph and there is a further instruction to wrap the text aroundyou can specify where you wish to flow the text around the image and
the image. It is better to set the text wrapping first, then place the
the distance of the text from the image on each side. This option also
image. Click the left mouse button on the image to select it. This opens
allows you to control the positioning of the image on the page.
the Picture Format tab. In the Arrange section, select the drop-down
arrow next to the Wrap Text icon.
For this task, set the text wrapping of the image to Tight using the dropdown menu.
You get a drop-down menu with layout options. Useful ones include:
» In Line with Text – this places the image as an in-line graphic which is Advice
treated as a text character within a line of text. It will move with the
This menu can also be found by right clicking the mouse on an image and
surrounding text if new text is inserted or deleted.
selecting Wrap Text.
» Square – this places the image on the page and the text wraps (flows) around
it. Use More Layout Options… to specify the type of wrapping that you
» Tight – this places the image on the page and the text wraps (flows) around
Packages like Microsoft PowerPoint will not give text wrap options. Sometimes
it, like Square, but you cannot control the distance of the text from the image
you have to layer objects on the slide or on the page in a document. To do this,
for the top and bottom settings, although you can to the left and right, using
click the right mouse button on the image and use the options like Bring to
Front and Send to Back. This is also useful for placing overlapping images in a
More Layout Options….
presentation or document.
» Through – this places the image on the page and the text wraps around the
image with preset values.
» Top and Bottom – this places the image with the text above and below the
12.2.3 Place an image with precision
image, but not wrapped to the side.
You will be expected to place images precisely. To move and
place this snowball image, click and hold the left mouse
button on the image and drag it to the top right corner of the
first paragraph. There are two methods of placing the image:
the first is to drag it until the green guidelines appear at the
top and right side of the image like this.
The second method is to roughly place the image and then
right click on the image again. Select the Size and Position…
option to open the Layout window. Select the Position tab.
Repeat this process to place the resized image of the
snowman at the top left of the second paragraph like
12.2.4 Place a border around an image
Although you have placed the image as specified,
without a screenshot of the layout window it will not
be possible to tell that you have placed the image
correctly as it has a white background. A good tip is
to place a thin border around the image so that its
alignment can be seen.
To set a border on the image, click the right mouse button
on the image and select Format Picture from the drop-down
menu. This opens the Format Picture pane to the right of
the document. Click the left mouse button on the Paint
bucket icon to select the Fill and Line section of this menu.
Click the left mouse button on the triangle for the Line
section to extend the menu.
Left click on the radio button for Solid line, which again
extends the options in the pane. Choose a (thin) line Width
of 0.25pt.
Available as
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The border now shows the precision placing of the image.
Save your document as task12d.
Set the Horizontal alignment to Right aligned to the Margin.
Set the Vertical alignment to Top aligned to the top of the
Line of text.
Click the
button to place the image. Check that this
has worked correctly. If not, this is usually due to the image
being placed with too little precision when it was dragged
and dropped. Try dragging and dropping the image again and
repeat the process.
Endorsed for the Cambridge Pathway to support the syllabus for examination
from 2023. The Study and Revision Guide has not been through the Cambridge
International Education endorsement process.
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