Modern Slavery 2022-23 - Flipbook - Page 8
Supplier Relationships and Supply Chains
In order to deliver the services for our clients, Hindmarsh’s supply
chain is dominated by the contracted supply and installation of
construction related materials, plant and equipment, and services.
In the reporting period HCA and HCAQ engaged 1,601 suppliers,
consultants and subcontractors, with:
Given the project nature of Hindmarsh’s operations,
subcontractors remain a key component of our project
delivery to our clients. As with previous years, generally,
Hindmarsh’s suppliers are engaged on a project basis,
with Hindmarsh having a preferred panel of suppliers
to ensure consistency and continuity. Longer term
suppliers are typically for goods and services for
administrative purposes.
Criteria One
Reporting Entity
52% of these being suppliers; and
48% comprising subcontractors.
A total of 20 of these suppliers and subcontractors made up 38%
of all spend.
Supply Chain Composition by Volume
Hindmarsh’s supply chains cover a wide range of third
parties, with differing levels of complexity. Contributing
factors to complexity include the types of projects,
lifecycle of projects and the sectors that Hindmarsh
services and operates.
A summary of our supply chains (whether via direct
suppliers or subcontractors) are as follows:
Labour Hire and Trades;
Construction Materials;
Information Technology;
Complex Services; and
Professionals providing design &
engineering services.
Criteria Two
Structure, operations
and supply chains
Criteria Three
Risks of Modern Slavery
Criteria Four
Actions taken to assess
and address Modern
Slavery risks
Criteria Five
Effectiveness of Actions
Criteria Six
Looking Forward
Page 7