Modern Slavery 2022-23 - Flipbook - Page 16
HCA and HCAQ are governed by the same director and executive leadership, policies and procedures. On this basis, consultation
between the entities was extensive, with key stakeholders being engaged and consulted. Further, the Hindmarsh Modern Slavery
Working Group was established with executives across HCA and HCAQ who contributed to the actions described in this statement as
well as the development of this statement. The same contracts apply to both entities and the same personnel review supplier tender
submissions and risk.
Criteria One
Reporting Entity
Criteria Two
Structure, operations and
supply chains
The Board provides general oversight and the Modern Slavery Working Group reports to the CEO who is responsible to the director.
Criteria Three
Risks of Modern Slavery
Criteria Four
Actions taken to assess
and address Modern
Slavery risks
Criteria Five
Effectiveness of Actions
Criteria Six
Looking Forward
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