24-06 - Flipbook - Page 6
Mi n i str i es
Adam Mills
Grace, mercy, and peace from our Lord
Jesus Christ to you and your families!
I want to share with you all the amazing
blessings I was privileged to be a part of
in my latest overseas evangelistic
itinerary which took place in both
Ethiopia and Kenya.
I was invited to conduct two campaigns
in Burayu and Waliso, Ethiopia by the
Central Ethiopian Field Conference of
SDA's. In His Image Ministries (IHIM) hired
2 Bible workers for each area, which
began their ministry at the start of this
year. I conducted a couple of online
training sessions with these dear brethren
and their pastors through the translation
of Elder Amensissa Chufa, the
Conference Associative Secretary. What
turned out to be a fantastic strategy is
this: all of these brethren were
themselves more recent converts to the
faith of the 3 angels9 messages from
other denominations. Even before our
plans were made, they had been
actively pursuing their former church
acquaintances and had persuaded a
number of them to join God's remnant
church as well. I will now give a summary
of the highlights in each location:
Burayu, Ethiopia:
* Some 34 souls were baptized within a
few weeks before I arrived.
* 4 Muslims have received studies for
baptism and the church is deliberating
on how to handle their conversion/
baptism due to the danger they will be
placed in from their family.
* 15 souls decided to prepare for
baptism during the meetings.
* 12 souls received baptism the last
Sabbath of my presence with them.
* The work continues to progress with
penetration of the bible workers into a
new village called Menegesha, where
they have secured studies with 8 souls.
Waliso, Ethiopia:
* Prior to my arrival, a Pentecostal pastor
and his entire church of approximately
100 members have embraced the 3
Angels messages from a village some
distance away.
* Prior to my arrival, a nearby building
was secured, and as many as 34 souls
had been worshiping and receiving Bible
studies every Sabbath day. Some of
these are now already baptized.
* 6 souls were baptized on the final
Sabbath of my presence with them,
including a pastor from a large
Protestant church.
* A pastor who heard the messages of
our meetings is now convicted and is
preparing to teach his congregation the
3 Angel's messages.
* All of the above is what God has done
IN SPITE OF area opposition (the pastors
warned their flocks not to attend the
meetings, and two different building
reservations for the meetings were
canceled. They ended up securing a
woodworking business, the owner of
which, agreed to allow the meetings to
take place in his outdoor lot. Twice, the
meetings were cut short due to torrential
Kitengela, Kenya:
* Here, the state of the organized SDA
church is in a very sad state of affairs