Hartford Manor Primary School & Nursery Prospectus - Flipbook - Page 17
maximum flexibility and allows you to provide a packed lunch as and when you
wish to do so.
For Nursery and Key Stage 2 pupils, payment must be made on Gateway at the
beginning of each week; you can also pay half termly/termly if preferred. Those
children who wish to bring their own packed lunch may do so.
Our school menus can be found here.
Our school uniform is popular with parents and children alike; it can be
purchased from the Northwich Schoolwear shop, located at or ordered online
at www.northwichschoolwear.co.uk or from FOHM pre-loved.
• Maroon
sweatshirt/cardigan *
• Blue polo shirt *
• Grey trousers/
*(with or without logo)
• Robust black shoes to suit
all weathers
• Summer dress (blue check
Parent/Carer involvement in school
We receive invaluable help from parents, both inside and beyond the classroom.
Activities such as school outings, mentoring reading and concerts, all benefit from
parental help and support - we are always grateful for any help you can offer.