Hartford Manor Primary School & Nursery Prospectus - Flipbook - Page 14
Trips and Visits
We offer a broad range of trips and visits throughout the school year. Your child
will usually have the opportunity to go on at least two educational trips/visits
each year. This includes residential trips for all children from Year 4 and above;
for example:
Year 3 children attend an extended day visit
to an Outdoor Education Centre including
Jungle Camp/Bushcraft activities
Year 4 children attend Petty Pool Outdoor
Education Centre, which involves an
overnight stay
Year 5 children attend an Outdoor Education
Centre, which involves a 2-night stay
Year 6 children attend a 3-day residential to
London, which involves a 2-night stay
There is a cost to parents for these visits, however, all parents have the option to
set up a payment plan and parents who have registered for Pupil Premium may
be entitled to reduced payments. Financial hardship will always be treated with
due sensitivity.