Hartford Manor Primary School & Nursery Prospectus - Flipbook - Page 13
Alongside our music curriculum, children have the opportunity to learn to play a
musical instrument. Lessons are provided by peripatetic teachers paid for by
parents, or provided by school. We currently offer peripatetic lessons in piano,
flute, ukelele and guitar. Pupils in Year 4 take part in whole class violin lessons,
funded by the school.
Sport and Extra-Curricular Activities
We are proud to offer a wide range of activities both during and at the end of the
school day. Our Sports Grant enables us to offer a variety of sporting activities
each term, for example - Football, Netball, Rounders, Cricket, Dance, Fencing,
Judo and Gymnastics. Our children enjoy taking part in sports competitions and
local sporting events. We also have a diverse range of extra-curricular activities
that are teacher led. These include: Art, Lego, Cookery, Nature, Choir and