214Find out more about The Queen inthe Hall of Fame section at www.guinnessworldrecords.com/20243545: The Royal Family are seenhere in 2017 on the famousbalcony at Buckingham Palace.To the Queen’s right is her sonPrince Charles (now His MajestyKing Charles III), who had beennext in line to the throne for70 years 214 days at the timeof his mother’s death, makinghim the longest-servingheir-apparent. To her left isher devoted husband, the latePrince Philip (1921–2021), whostood at her side for almost aslong – 69 years 62 days – andremains history’s longestserving male consort.4: To date, around 14 million YouTube viewershave watched Queen Elizabeth II’s tea partywith beloved children’s character PaddingtonBear. Filmed at Buckingham Palace, the sketchlaunched the celebrations for Her Majesty’sstar-studded Platinum Jubilee.3: The 昀氀ight carrying Queen Elizabeth II’sco昀케n from Scotland back to London on 16 Sep2022 is the most tracked 昀氀ight in history.Flightradar24 recorded 4.79 million users, witha further 296,000 YouTube viewers. Her co昀케nlay in state for 昀椀ve days, during which some250,000 people 昀椀led past to pay their 昀椀nalrespects. The funeral took place on 19 Sep 2022in Westminster Abbey, where she had beencrowned 69 years earlier.2: Her Majesty had a life-long love of PembrokeWelsh corgis, which began when her father, thefuture George VI, adopted one – called Dookie– in 1933. The Queen (pictured here aged 10)would own more than 30 of the dogs betweenher accession in 1952 and her death.1: The Queen’s coronation took place on 2 Jun1953 at Westminster Abbey in London. She’sshown here holding the ceremonial Sceptrewith Cross and Sceptre with Dove. On her headis St Edward’s Crown. Considered the mostvaluable crown, its worth was estimated in2019 at $4.5 m (£3.5 m), although its historicalsigni昀椀cance e昀昀ectively makes it priceless.215
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