The Queenvisited GWR’sLondon HQ in 2004as part of BritishEnterprise Daycelebrations.Aged 25, she ascended to the throne on 6 Feb 1952, upon the death ofher father, George VI. Her coronation the following year was televisedlive, prompting many British citizens to buy their 昀椀rst TV sets, and waswatched by millions worldwide. Although the British Empire was by thenin decline, it still had 70 overseas territories; by the close of her reign, theQueen presided over only around a quarter of those. But she remaineda beloved presence at home and abroad. Testament to this were joyouscelebrations of her four jubilees: Silver (1977), Golden (2002), Diamond(2012) and Platinum (2022), the latter marking her unprecedented70 years as the British monarch.Elizabeth II achieved numerous GWR titles, some of which surviveher. She is history’s longest-reigning queen, having ruled non-stopfor 70 years 214 days – surpassing her closest rival (and great-greatgrandmother) Queen Victoria by around seven years. Elizabeth II alsoremains the oldest queen ever, passing while still in active dutyat the age of 96 years 140 days.During her lifetime, she toured nearly 120 countriesand made 265 o昀케cial overseas visits. In doing so, shetravelled more than 1.6 million km (1 million mi),equivalent to more than 40 times aroundEarth. Ironically, she never needed a Britishpassport: it bears the words “in the name ofHer Majesty”, so she would have been issuingone to herself! Her son and successor, KingCharles III, has now inherited her title ofmost countries to be head of state ofsimultaneously – 15.The passing of Elizabeth II on 8 Sep 2022 evoked widespreadsadness around the world. Her charm and sel昀氀ess devotion toduty won her countless admirers, while her record-setting longreign made her a reassuring constant in tumultuous times.QUEEN ELIZABETH IIRECORD-BREAKING ROYAL1221 Apr 1926Birth dateInclude longestreigning queenand oldestreigning queen£365 m ($419 m)This image ofthe Queen wastaken in 2022 bylong-serving GWRcontributor RanaldMackechnie.Estimatedwealth15, includingSovereignAustralia, Canada,states ruledover at death New Zealand, Belizeand JamaicaCurrentGWR titles2 Jun 1953London, UKBirthplaceCoronationdateElizabeth AlexandraMary WindsorVITAL STATISTICSName
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