GPSJ Autumn 2024 ONLINE - Flipbook - Page 8
Revolutionising shared
micromobility: The game-changing
launch of Micromobility Planner
In an innovative development,
Momentum Transport
Consultancy and Spatial
Design Hub have unveiled
Micromobility Planner™, a
pioneering geospatial analysis
tool set to empower local
authorities and councils
across the UK and Ireland.
By o昀昀ering strategic, datadriven insights, the online tool
aims to help towns and cities
plan smarter, more e昀케cient
micromobility networks
tailored to their unique needs.
A vision for smarter cities
Micromobility Planner is a
strategic partner for urban
planners. Developed with DfT
and Connected Places Catapult
funding, the subscription-based
app provides local decisionmakers with access to granular
data and insights which have
previously only been available
through bespoke studies.
With cities striving to reduce
carbon emissions, tackle
congestion and create equitable
transport options, the introduction
of Micromobility Planner comes at
a pivotal time. The tool integrates
cutting-edge geospatial analytics,
census data and customisable
modelling scenarios, enabling
local authorities to design shared
micromobility schemes that meet
community needs while aligning
with sustainability goals.
Steve Hands, Transport Planner
and Shared Micromobility Lead at
Camden Council, highlighted the
tool’s practical impact:
“Micromobility Planner would
be particularly helpful to boroughs
starting their micromobility
journey. It provides valuable data
to help with scheme planning
and inform conversations with
micromobility operators. In our
experience, it’s essential to put
parking zones in the right places
to ensure all areas have access to
these transport options and the
zones meet local demand.”
What sets Micromobility
Planner apart?
The tool can address the
challenges of micromobility
planning that local authorities are
facing. Here’s how:
1. Comprehensive demand
insights: By leveraging geospatial
analytics and census data,
Micromobility Planner identi昀椀es
areas of high demand, enabling
cities to strategically deploy
resources. This maximises
ridership potential and helps
address transport deserts and
reduce carbon footprints.
2. Parking optimisation:
Poorly-planned parking zones
often lead to cluttered pavements
and con昀氀ict with pedestrians.
Micromobility Planner calculates
parking bay density requirements,
helping cities design infrastructure
that minimises disruptions while
ensuring accessibility.
3. Customisable scenarios:
Local authorities can model a
variety of scenarios to evaluate
the impact of docked or dockless
bike schemes and eScooter
networks – helping them tailor
solutions to meet their speci昀椀c
operational and sustainability
4. Sustainability integration:
With metrics that align with
local and national carbonneutral objectives, the tool is
an invaluable resource for cities
aiming to achieve ambitious
sustainability goals.
Collaboration driving
The success of Micromobility
Planner is rooted in a collaborative
approach that brings together
Momentum’s consultancy
expertise and Spatial Design
Hub’s advanced geospatial
capabilities. James O’Brien,
founder of Spatial Design Hub,
“We’ve created a solution
that gives local authorities
the tools they need to take
the lead in planning shared
micromobility. With detailed GIS
data and analytics, they can align
operators’ proposals with their
unique local priorities, ensuring
schemes are both e昀昀ective and
Transforming shared
micromobility planning in
the UK and Ireland
Micromobility Planner is the 昀椀rst
tool of its kind available to every
local authority in the UK and
Ireland. O昀昀ering independent
evidence at a fraction of the cost
of bespoke studies it levels the
playing 昀椀eld for local authorities,
empowering them to take
strategic, data-driven decisions.
Will Durden, managing director
at Momentum emphasises the
importance of such tools in
shaping accessible and equitable
“Local authorities are under
pressure to reduce carbon
emissions and promote
sustainable transport - and welldesigned shared micromobility
schemes, such as eBikes and
eScooters, have great potential
to rede昀椀ne how people move
around our towns and cities.
But their integration comes with
“We’ve already seen several
micromobility trials ending and
being removed across the UK,
we believe this is down to a
lack of information and strategic
exchange on questions such as
昀氀eet size, where micromobility
hubs and parking locations
should be placed and how many
are needed to optimise their
“Local authorities currently
have no choice but to rely on
information from operators
or to commission bespoke
studies, both of which can be
expensive. Micromobility Planner
puts independent evidence at
the 昀椀ngertips of local decision
A new standard for urban
The launch of Micromobility
Planner marks a turning point in
shared micromobility planning.
By putting robust, independent
data directly into the hands of
local authorities, this tool enables
smarter, more equitable decisions
that bene昀椀t residents and the
environment alike.
James O’Brien sums up the
potential of the tool:
“With Micromobility Planner,
towns can create user-friendly,
networks that truly meet the
needs of their communities.
It’s a powerful step forward in
building connected, inclusive and
sustainable cities.”
Looking ahead
As towns consider shared
micromobility options, they now
have access to the independent
evidence they need to have
informed discussions with
operators. For more information
on Micromobility Planner and to
request a demo, visit