GPSJ Autumn 2024 ONLINE - Flipbook - Page 7
Two-thirds of employees plan to change jobs
within the next 12 months
• A new survey has revealed
that 69% of Audit and
Governance professionals
want to leave their position
within the next year
• 35% said they are already
currently searching for a
new role
• Experienced professionals
are more actively looking for
new jobs than those with
less experience
A new survey has revealed that
around two-thirds (69%) of audit
and governance professionals
plan to move jobs within the next
12 months.
Carried out by CareersinAudit.
com, the survey asked Audit and
Governance professionals about
what factors would lead them to
search for a new job.
While the majority of
respondents said they were
planning to move in the next year,
35% of respondents said they are
looking for a new position with
immediate e昀昀ect and a further
34% are planning to start within
the next year.
The data also showed that
experienced professionals appear
to be driving this, with 60% of
professionals aged 41 and over
planning on moving in the next
six months, compared to 43% of
In terms of why professionals
in the sector are looking to move,
the main reason was promotions
and pay raises, with 25% saying
they haven’t received either in
their current job and are therefore
searching for a new role.
This has overtaken the primary
reason for leaving a job from the
data collected back in 2019,
where 17% cited the main reason
for wanting to leave was the desire
to work abroad.
Working in-house or in a
di昀昀erent sector saw the biggest
growth during this time, climbing
from 8% to 20% in the 昀椀ve-year
Commenting on the survey
昀椀ndings, Simon Wright, Director
of and the
Careers in Group specialist job
boards said: “The fact that the
majority of professionals in the
audit and governance industries
will be looking for new roles in
the near future should be a huge
concern for employers across the
“As with any industry, keeping
employees motivated and happy
in their roles is crucial to retaining
top talent, and also attracting new
people to join.
“Regular 1-2-1s and
performance reviews, providing
clear career progression paths
and incentivising employees with
additional bene昀椀ts including worklife-balance and homeworking
options, as well as regular pay
increases, are just some of the
areas that should be implemented
to prevent professionals from
seeking pastures new.”
Fire Fighters Charity launches national survey
to better understand challenges of fire service
life on relationships
Fire Fighters Charity
understands the unique
challenges faced by those in
the 昀椀re service, particularly
how these challenges can
a昀昀ect personal relationships.
It o昀昀ers support to individuals
dealing with these issues
through its services. In the
昀椀rst year of its 24/7 Crisis
Line, which is there for 昀椀re
service community members
experiencing suicidal
thoughts, 29% of callers cited
relationship breakdown and
family-related challenges
as their primary reason for
seeking help.
Fire Fighters Charity understands
the unique challenges faced
by those in the 昀椀re service,
particularly how these challenges
can a昀昀ect personal relationships.
It o昀昀ers support to individuals
dealing with these issues through
its services. In the 昀椀rst year of its
24/7 Crisis Line, which is there for
昀椀re service community members
experiencing suicidal thoughts,
29% of callers cited relationship
breakdown and family-related
challenges as their primary reason
for seeking help.
Fire Fighters Charity wants
to better understand how the
demands of 昀椀re service life a昀昀ect
partner relationships, so has
launched a national survey, in
collaboration with Relate at Family
Action, Norfolk Fire and Rescue
Service and Nottingham Trent
The charity is asking
participants to share their insights
and experiences, whether positive
or otherwise, so that it can provide
the right support to the 昀椀re family,
when it is needed most.
Joss Gaynor, Fire Fighters
Charity’s Director of Impact
and Service Partnerships, says:
“Being in the 昀椀re service can be
incredibly rewarding and a source
of immense pride for families.
However, it also comes with
unique pressures that can strain
relationships with those who
matter most to us.
“We see the e昀昀ects of these
challenges 昀椀rsthand. Many of
those who reach out for support
are struggling in their relationship
-often at breaking point. We exist
to support everyone in the 昀椀re
and rescue service to live well
during and after service and we’re
keen to hear from everyone in
our community who’s either in a
relationship or has been in one at
some point. Sharing your stories
will help us build and shape our
support for all couples in the 昀椀re
service community.”
If you’re in a relationship - or
have been in a relationship where at least one of you has
worked in the 昀椀re and rescue
service, especially if either of you
has ever worked as an operational
昀椀re昀椀ghter - the charity would
love for you to take part in the
anonymous survey.
It takes between 15-30 minutes
and by taking part you’ll have
the chance to win a week-long
self-catering holiday at one of the
charity’s centres* or one of three
£50 Amazon vouchers.
Take part now: www.
*Prize to be taken outside of
peak season periods (31 March
– 31 October). Prize draw open
to eligible service users of Fire
Fighters Charity only, excluding
charity employees.