GPSJ Autumn 2024 ONLINE - Flipbook - Page 33
Key Insights from the M3 Housing
Maintenance Conference:
Shaping the future of housing infrastructure
Our Gordian UK team had the pleasure of exhibiting at the M3 Housing Maintenance Conference, an event
that brought together industry professionals from across the housing procurement sector. Held on 21 January
through 22 January at the Crowne Plaza in Stratford-Upon-Avon, the conference provided an excellent platform
for networking, learning and showcasing our innovative solutions.
The National Housing
Maintenance Forum Conference
2025, hosted by M3, is an
annual event devoted to
housing maintenance and run
by maintenance and asset
management professionals from
the National Housing Maintenance
Forum. It covers strategic
issues and provides a focus for
networking and promoting best
Our team was stationed at
stand 10, where we had the
opportunity to meet and engage
with numerous professionals
involved in housing maintenance
procurement. It was fantastic to
connect with new contacts and
discuss the latest trends and
challenges within the industry. The
event was bustling with energy,
and we were thrilled to be part of
such a dynamic gathering.
One of the highlights of the
conference was running live
demos of our Gordian Schedules
and Measured Term Contract
Software (MTCQS). Attendees
were able to see 昀椀rsthand how
our solutions can streamline the
procurement process, providing
accurate and up-to-date pricing
for materials, labor and plant. The
live demos were well-received,
and we enjoyed demonstrating the
practical bene昀椀ts of our software.
During our interactions, we
emphasised the importance
of using a Schedule of Rates
in housing maintenance
procurement. Here are a few key
bene昀椀ts we highlighted:
• Predictable Budgeting: With
prede昀椀ned costs for various
tasks, a Schedule of Rates
ensures that budgeting is
accurate and reliable, helping to
avoid unexpected expenses.
• Time E昀케ciency: By eliminating
the need to research and
negotiate prices for each
project, a Schedule of Rates
saves valuable time, allowing
procurement professionals to
focus on other critical tasks.
• Consistency and
Transparency: A Schedule of
Rates provides uniform pricing
across all projects, ensuring
fairness and maintaining quality
standards. It also fosters
transparency with clients and
stakeholders, building trust and
• Simpli昀椀ed Procurement:
With a single reference point for
all pricing needs, a Schedule
of Rates streamlines the
procurement process, making it
more e昀케cient and manageable.
The conference featured a packed
program of sessions that provided
valuable insights into the housing
maintenance sector:
Committee shared their goals
for 2025 and ways to get
• Plenary Sessions: Topics
included “Clarity Through Tech
and Innovation,” “Improving the
Condition of Social Homes,”
and “Creating Healthy Homes
by Working and Learning
• Workshops and Fringe
Sessions: These sessions
covered a range of topics,
including social value in
procurement, the latest updates
in M3NHF contracts and
schedules and the practical
application of managing
building safety risks.
• Networking Opportunities:
Attendees had ample
opportunities to network during
refreshment breaks, lunch and
dedicated breakout sessions.
At the conference, we were able
to choose from 20+ educational
sessions, earn continuing
education CPD credits and
interact with over 40 exhibitors at
the onsite trade show. The key
themes addressed at this year’s
event included:
• Fire and Building Safety:
Ensuring compliance with
昀椀re safety regulations and
building standards to safeguard
occupants and minimise risk.
• Healthy Homes: Promoting
health and well-being through
safe, well-maintained living
environments that improve
tenant satisfaction and reduce
• Net Zero: Implementing
energy-e昀케cient practices and
sustainable technologies to
meet carbon reduction targets
and create greener homes.
• New Technology: Leveraging
the latest innovations to
enhance operational e昀케ciency,
improve service delivery and
future-proof housing assets.
During the conference, M3
promoted their Schedule of Rates
and best practices. Their schedule
covers work for the public sector
and includes contractors’ pro昀椀ts
in the cost data. In contrast,
our Gordian Schedule of Rates
allows contractors to add their
own overheads, preliminaries and
pro昀椀ts, as these are costs we
cannot predict. This makes our
schedule fairer for contractors
and provides a far more accurate
costing. Additionally, the Gordian
schedules are updated annually,
with every material price and labor
cost researched, refreshed and
Clients and contractors were
impressed that there is an
alternative schedule to the M3 and
were keen to explore how this was
used. This resulted in requests
for further information and demo
bookings for Gordian.
Overall, the M3 Housing
Maintenance Conference was a
resounding success. We were
delighted to showcase our
solutions, connect with industry
professionals and discuss the
evolving landscape of housing
maintenance procurement. We
look forward to nurturing the
new connections we made and
continuing to support the industry
with our innovative solutions.
Stay tuned for more updates
and insights from the Gordian UK