GPSJ Autumn 2024 ONLINE - Flipbook - Page 6
Unit4 Sees Strong Momentum with
Customer Cloud Migrations
Unit4, a leader in enterprise cloud applications for people-centric organizations, has closed the first
half of 2024 with a range of customers selecting Unit4 to deliver an enhanced customer experience,
as they accelerate their digital transformation strategies.
The company finished H1 with strong cloud
migration and go-live momentum, including:
• Hartpury University and
College, a leading specialist
education provider in animal,
agriculture, business, equine,
sport, and veterinary nursing
based in Gloucestershire, UK
• Bedford College, is a further
education college located in
Bedfordshire, UK
• University of East Anglia, is
a public research university in
Norwich, UK
• Arklow Shipping Limited, a
coastal shipping line operating
out of Arklow, Ireland and
Rotterdam, Netherlands
• Edinburgh College, the largest
college in Scotland, formed
in 2012 as part of the merger
of Edinburgh’s Jewel and Esk,
Telford, and Stevenson
colleges.Providing further and
higher education courses
across the Edinburgh region
to serve both domestic and
international students
• AB Energivärden, based in
Stockholm, Sweden, provides
long-term, cost-effective
installation and operational
solutions for indoor climate
and energy efficiency to
property owners and
driving interoperability between
company also announced that
applications, to create the agile
Moody’s Investors Service changed
foundations needed to become
Unit4 Group Holding B.V.’s outlook
more digitally enabled and thrive in
rating to positive from stable, and
unpredictable market conditions.
S&P Global Ratings upgraded
With a single view of all the data
Unit4’s credit rating and issued a
within an organization, Unit4
positive outlook for the business.
customers can be confident they
“All organizations are navigating
are making accurate decisions that
a changeable macroeconomic
will help to drive sustainable growth
climate, which requires a new
and accelerate productivity.
approach to their operations,” said
Unit4 also recognizes that moving
to the Cloud is a journey which can
be complex unless it is properly
planned and implemented. To aid
its customers at every stage in the
“land, adopt and expand” cycle of
moving to SaaS applications, Unit4
launched Success4U. It is designed
to help customers identify the right
migration path and speed up timeto-value while minimizing disruption
to essential business processes.
Johan Reventberg, Chief Revenue
Officer, Unit4. “Those organizations
which require flexibility, scalability,
a simplification of internal IT
resources and better processes,
are choosing to invest in the
Cloud. Our customers, who have
chosen to move to Unit4 ERPx, are
benefiting from maximizing the value
of their data to make more informed
decisions which, in turn, helps to
ensure they are more resilient to
In a world that is becoming
FP&A and Unit4 Financials
ever more digital, organizations
(U4F) customers to evolve
must become more dynamic
their application environments
to respond to ever-changing
and realize the competitive
customer demands and market
advantages of moving to SaaS-
uncertainty. Unit4’s Cloud
based systems.
Analyst Recognition
uncertainty. We are proud that our
During the first half of 2024, Unit4
customers continue to put their trust
received analyst recognition from
and partnership in us to run their
Dresner Advisory Services for
businesses, and we are confident
ranking #1 in Workforce Planning
that we have the right foundations
and Analysis, and BARC’s ‘The
to help them on their Cloud
Migration program enables
Customers benefit from streamlining
Planning Survey 24’ where Unit4
its existing on-premises ERP,
business processes and
achieved outstanding results. The
Protecting Scotland’s wildlife
A ban on the use of snares in
“The Scottish Government
suffering for wild animals, as well
land managers, more humane and
Scotland, to improve animal
recognises that control of predators
as posing an unacceptable risk to
efficient methods of control such
welfare and promote humane
is sometimes necessary in order
other wildlife and domestic species
as shooting and trapping remain
wildlife management, has
to protect vulnerable species, as
accidentally caught in them.
come into force.
well as livestock and agriculture,
“We worked closely with our
available for necessary wildlife
and that land managers should be
stakeholders during the passage
The ban was introduced through the
allowed to take action to effectively
of the Wildlife Management and
Wildlife Management and Muirburn
manage wildlife for these purposes.
Muirburn (Scotland) Act 2024 and
will ensure that the Scottish
actively considered all proposals
Government continues to meet its
evidence to show that snares can
put to us. Whilst the removal of
commitments to uphold the highest
lead to unacceptable levels of
snaring will reduce options for
standards of animal welfare.”
(Scotland) Act 2024 and came into
force on Monday 25 November.
Agriculture Minister Jim Fairlie said:
“However, there is sufficient
“Banning the use of snares