GLAD 20 YEARS - Flipbook - Page 61
Today Glad is a large organisation with a lot of different irons in the fire. Much takes place with a
strict outward focus, but we would like to conclude with a few words about all the colleagues who
make every day special, while we work to meet our goals. It might not be all that fascinating to hear
about vacuum cleaning, cleaning toilets, coffee brewing, meeting rooms, car maintenance, technical
stuff and IT, all those things that just have to function every day. Not to mention HR, accounts, budgeting, the salary that all of us appreciate every month. The receptionists are Glad’s guardian angels
and many a newcomer’s first contact. They are ever enthusiastic, offer coffee, receive or send off,
put phone calls through and always make sure that Glad is a good experience. A big staff is important in a big company, and thanks to many people’s efforts, Glad functions day after day. All over the
country. For this we are deeply grateful. You know who you are. And with these words we give the
floor to our CEO in order to hear his vision of Glad’s future.
Everyone receives a
warm welcome, here
extended by receptionist
Eliny Sivarajah