GLAD 20 YEARS - Flipbook - Page 52
Freedom of expression, education, meaningful employment. On paper the vision seems simple,
but reaching the goal takes many a marathon in working shoes. And such has been the pace at
Glad over the last five years.
The hiring of HR and communications chief Trine Jordahn-Nielsen in 2014 was the answer to
structuring several parameters at the expanding workplace. Trine left her career as a lawyer in
public service and arrived at a highly different working environment:
“We never hugged this way in Frederiksberg Municipality. Initially I even dreamt about these
hugs at night.” Trine Jordahn smiles and continues: “It is a permanent ‘public good’. Just like the
incredibly interesting conversations on any and everything over lunch. I knew what my goals and
assignments would be, but I had no idea of how rewarding the company of my new colleagues
would be.”
Collective bargaining agreements were signed, and a new initiative was Glad Business, which,
i.a. and in line with the aim of creating meaningful employment, offers clarification processes particularly for people with disabilities.
“Cooperation with municipalities and not least serious partnerships with private companies
is decisive, if e.g. we are to create enough flexible jobs for the target group. We work very hard
on this, and on many fronts. We have excellent cooperation with many municipalities across the
country for instance. But continuous cooperation and development is essential. Our cooperation
agreement with Madkastellet, an innovative business combining restaurants, catering and events,
is a fine example of what it takes to create jobs,” says Trine Jordahn-Nielsen, who was promoted to
commercial director in Glad Foundation in 2019.