GLAD 20 YEARS - Flipbook - Page 43
To the Limit
In the port city of Esbjerg, things moved fast as well. They relocated to Brolæggerstræde and were
crazily busy with the vocational school as well as TV production. Marianne Andersen started as
school director in 2014. Two years later she became Head of Department. Marianne points out the
complex variety of working at Glad:
“We’re a somewhat varied shop over here. We have 1700 sq. metres of TV production and media
studies. We also have the vocational school with 30 pupils, out of which 20 spend four days a week
at Glad Zoo. We are all intertwined. And obviously, having to run a school at a zoo, while once a week
the pupils spend a full day in here studying, and at the same time producing media content makes
for quite a special house.”
The attentive reader will have noticed that Glad Zoo has joined the shop. This was in 2014 when
the Glad Foundation bought Lintrup Safari Park. The Esbjerg branch is successful in attracting local
attention. We would argue that everyone in Esbjerg knows Per Rosenberg, who has worked there
since the very beginning:
“I have. I sat on the bus, and our boss at the time, Max, was on the same bus, and he asked whether
I might consider joining Glad. I was sort of kidnapped to work with TV. I worked at a special needs
workshop, but at Glad you get lots of challenges which you learn from, and you grow up.” Per laughs.
He has conducted countless interviews and is like a duck to water when out amongst people. He is
curious and with his warm manners he can make anyone talk. One interview in particular made an
impression on him:
“Rock Nalle (a mature Danish rock’n’roller)! I interviewed him at Ribelund festival. I have been
taught that you must go right to the limit. I knew he had been through hell on drugs and enquired
deeply into the subject. Afterwards he said, ‘I have to give you a hug, Per. You asked about
everything.’ He was happy that I actually crossed the limit a bit. And perhaps that’s because I am
who I am. People are less timid about confiding in me, so they open even more.”
And this special talent for creating a room of intimacy and confidence is precisely what many
of TV-Glad’s reporters are gifted with.