GLAD 20 YEARS - Flipbook - Page 39
Cooperation between Copenhagen, Esbjerg and Aabenraa intensified over the years. In 2012 a
branch in Ringsted was added, and all the branches were converted from independent associations
to being part of Glad Foundation. All branches share the strategy focussing on freedom of expression,
education and job creation.
While in the other departments efforts have been driven by initiation from local TV, in Ringsted
the opportunity to create a vocational school was the driver. For Bolette Pilegaard Graae, head of
Glad Ringsted, this was the place she wanted to work:
“I knocked on the door. I saw that here all my thoughts on the importance of inclusion, and how it
rests on freedom of expression and the opportunity for us to express ourselves, were realised; all
people should know that they can contribute and be part of something and that it creates value; all
this I saw united in Glad. It was a 1:1 match with my own values.”
She started in 2015. So, did reality meet her expectations?
“First there is the honeymoon. You’re blown over backwards by how cool and fantastic things
are, and you see everything is possible. Then the routine sets in, naturally, as we are working with
colleagues and pupils who need routines. And there are occurrences where we have to be inventive
in order to succeed. Well-being and presence are important, so plans sometimes have to be changed in order to cope, which in turn takes time. Glad is colourful and exciting. Always. And despite
Glad Ringsted has succeeded in creating a fruitful environment for its 17 pupils. This was honoured in January 2019 by Ringsted’s nomination - along with only two others out of 130 possible
candidates – to the national Prize for Education Environment.