GLAD 20 YEARS - Flipbook - Page 30
“Shoes and
Socks Off”
Søren Gericke’s creative food adventure soon got the business going, and it expanded with café
and canteen operation for large companies as well as external lunch schemes. Our customers today
are many and varied, amongst them Danish Broadcasting and DanChurchSocial, a Danish charity
Realising the many benefits of providing some of their disabled citizens with skills within the kitchen profession, Allerød municipality was one of the very first to hire Glad Food to reconstruct their
Mikkel Holmbäck recalls the opening reception at Allerød Townhall to celebrate the new cooperation: “When we got out of the cars outside the townhall to carry all the stuff for the reception
inside, Søren Gericke shouted, ‘shoes and socks off’; we entered the townhall barefooted, while
Søren spoke loudly and vividly about vegetables, and Thomas Novotny placed a ghetto blaster on
the townhall steps. The employees went completely silent, not knowing whether to laugh or give
Allerød’s municipality director mentioned Glad Food in his retirement speech four years later.
After 20 years of service at Allerød Town Hall, he regarded welcoming people with disabilities inside
and the fact that they were in charge of cooking and catering there his most meaningful achievement.