GLAD 20 YEARS - Flipbook - Page 18
Jan’s Greatest
It wasn’t the trips abroad that made the deepest impression on Jan Jensen, who sadly passed away
in 2019. His nickname, Red, referred to his intense interest in politics and his persistent struggle
for his own as well as other disabled people’s opportunities. According to himself, Jan’s greatest
journey was becoming part of TV-Glad:
“I was 46 years old when I started at Glad. Until then, my life was one continuous struggle to gain
influence on what I wanted to do and where. When I became Artist of the Year at Værkstedsgården,
a workshop, TV-Glad did a report on me. Instantly, I knew that I wanted to work with TV. Easier said
than done, though,” explains Jan Jensen, clearly moved by the memory, in what was to be his last
“My municipality simply refused to let me go. And that was the story of my life, until I started
at TV-Glad. All kinds of case workers and teachers wanted to decide what was best for me. It still
makes me angry, because it was really unfair. But I’m stubborn, so I managed to get myself an
internship of two years, which has to be the longest ever. I took two years before the municipality
finally accepted my employment at Glad.”
Jan Jensen’s stubbornness bore fruit, because ever since he had a rich working life focussing on
his passion for politics
“I am proud of having had the opportunity to be a complete person; and I have been able to have my
say in Parliament, where the MPs have always received me favourably.”