Gearbulk Integrated Report 2023 - Report - Page 96
Deliver on a 昀氀eet renewal plan
Our fleet renewal strategy encompasses the
acquisition of second-hand vessels as well as a
newbuilding program tailored to meet the needs
of our Joint Venture G2 Ocean. This comprehensive
approach, coupled with the scrapping or sale of
older vessels, aligns with our overarching goal of
enhancing e昀케ciency and improving the emission
pro昀椀le of our 昀氀eet. By strategically renewing our
昀氀eet composition, we aim to optimise operational
performance while minimising environmental
impact, thereby ensuring sustainable growth and
long-term success in the industry we operate in.
Enhance our 昀氀eet performance
Gearbulk prioritises benchmarking 昀氀eet performance to uphold competitive cost levels for both
our 昀氀eet and onshore organisation. We rigorously
compare cost levels and performance metrics per
vessel within each class and age interval to identify
trends and areas for improvement. Through this
process, we ensure that measures are continuously
implemented to maintain optimal cost levels and
operational performance across our 昀氀eet. Additionally, we proactively implement measures and
campaigns to achieve targets for key performance
indicators (KPIs), aligning our e昀昀orts with our strategic objectives and ensuring ongoing improvement in operational e昀케ciency and e昀昀ectiveness. By
closely monitoring and benchmarking our performance, we remain committed to delivering value
to our stakeholders and maintaining our position
as a leader in the shipping industry.