Gearbulk Integrated Report 2023 - Report - Page 130
Enhance decarbonisation e昀昀orts
that its supply chain is aligned with circular economy
Pledging to meet emission targets in alignment with
principles, sourcing goods and services in a respon-
the IMO GHG strategy, Gearbulk aims to achieve Net
sible and eco-friendly manner. Furthermore, ensuring
Zero emissions by 2050. IMOs short and medium-term
that the entire value chain is validated for recirculation
emission targets toward 2030 and 2040 have been estab-
promotes the reuse and recycling of materials, contrib-
lished, and Gearbulk are in the process of creating a
uting to the e昀케cient use of resources and minimising
roadmap outlining strategies to attain these targets for
waste generation. Through these initiatives, Gearbulk
our managed vessels.
not only reduces its environmental footprint but also
actively contributes to the transition towards a more
Our strategy for achieving Net Zero emissions is built on
sustainable and circular economy.
transparency and accountability. We commit to making
our de昀椀ned targets public, showcasing our internal
Expand our biodiversity e昀昀orts
dedication to this goal. In de昀椀ning our Newbuilding
Enhancing our biodiversity strategy involves a multifac-
strategy, we prioritize fuel-e昀케cient vessel types that
eted approach rooted in environmental stewardship and
actively reduce emissions and carbon footprints. Our
sustainability. We prioritize promoting environmental
Newbuilding vessels will incorporate options for alter-
awareness and fostering accountability among our team
native fuel types, ensuring a long-term perspective on
members and stakeholders, recognising the crucial role
sustainability. Concurrently, we remain steadfast in
they play in preserving marine ecosystems. By investing
implementing measures to reduce emissions across
in proactive anti-fouling measures, we aim to minimize
our existing 昀氀eet, committing to propose at least two
the impact of our operations on marine life and habi-
innovative measures annually. Furthermore, we pledge
tats, mitigating potential harm caused by biofouling
to utilize a de昀椀ned and increasing volume of carbon-neu-
organisms. Additionally, we acknowledge the e昀昀orts
tral fuels, speci昀椀cally biofuels. To ensure progress, we
by NGOs dedicated to the restoration of marine biodi-
allocate resources and establish key performance indi-
versity, contributing to conservation e昀昀orts worldwide.
cators (KPIs) to track our journey towards achieving
Adhering to regulations concerning protected areas and
strategic targets.
opting for longer routes when necessary underscores
our commitment to safeguarding vulnerable marine
Contribute to the circular economy
habitats. Moreover, exploring the potential use of green
We understand that we can play a vital role in advancing
biobased oil onboard our vessels represents a proac-
the circular economy by adopting various sustainable
tive step towards reducing our ecological footprint and
practices. Investing in sustainable environmental tech-
promoting sustainable practices in maritime operations.
nology enables the company to reduce its carbon foot-
Through these concerted e昀昀orts, we strive to enhance
print and minimize environmental impact throughout its
biodiversity preservation and promote the health and
operations. By partnering with producers and suppliers
resilience of marine ecosystems.
committed to sustainability, the company can ensure