Gearbulk Integrated Report 2023 - Report - Page 125
Protect our organisation with sound corporate
enhance vessel performance, and bolster safety meas-
governance practices
ures. By prioritising the establishment of a robust data
Gearbulk can mitigate adverse impacts arising out of
infrastructure and leveraging algorithms to drive analyt-
unlawful and questionable activities by sustaining its
ical solutions, we can optimize operations, streamline
zero-tolerance culture against unethical, unfair and illicit
business processes, gain deeper insights, and unlock
conducts, and conducting thorough risk assessments
new revenue streams. This strategy will bolster our
periodically. Additionally, Gearbulk maintains a collab-
competitiveness and foster sustained growth in the
orative and a vigilant approach towards operational
years ahead.
subsidiaries, promotes frequent training and, 昀椀nally,
requires a strict commitment of all stakeholders with
Invest in innovation
such actions.
Incorporating vessels into the digital strategy ensures
ease of operation, enabling better control over techno-
Expand on our digitalisation e昀昀orts
logical environments and costs while reducing unnec-
Gearbulk has implemented a digital framework to
essary administrative burdens onboard. Prioritising
promote focus, alignment, and transparency in our
seamless connectivity facilitates data management
digital transformation e昀昀orts. Our objective is to enhance
through transparent and visible information channels.
connectivity between sea and shore operations, explore
Additionally, maintaining safety in operations involves
and integrate new technologies, and cultivate a culture
collaborative e昀昀orts in cyber defense, leveraging AI solu-
of continuous learning among our team members. In
tions, expanding partnerships with business entities,
line with our digital roadmap, Gearbulk prioritizes estab-
and integrating operational technology onboard vessels.
lishing top-tier infrastructure across our 昀氀eet to support
our technological objectives. Over the coming years,
Secure our digital assets
we have numerous initiatives planned to upgrade our
E昀昀ective cybersecurity management involves developing
IT platform, replace outdated systems, and augment
and executing a cohesive data security strategy to safe-
digitalization and collaboration among employees.
guard data integrity amidst evolving infrastructure. It
entails fostering a culture prioritizing safety, with security
Explore AI opportunities
embedded in all organizational operations. This encom-
Arti昀椀cial Intelligence (AI) holds promise for enhancing
passes integrating cybersecurity risk management into
and supporting diverse sectors, including maritime oper-
our safety management systems, adhering to ISM code
ations. For instance, AI can optimise shipping routes,
compliance standards.