Gearbulk Integrated Report 2023 - Report - Page 110
Attract talent and skills for the future
The strategy for talent attraction for both sea and
shore positions emphasizes the importance of cultivating skills aligned with future needs and technological advancements. It focuses on enhancing the
employer brand through e昀昀ective communication
of organizational culture and opportunities for
career growth. Additionally, ensuring competitive
compensation packages and fostering an inclusive workplace culture are highlighted, alongside
investments in leadership development to nurture
internal talent and drive business success.
Develop our organisation and enhance performance management
As we adapt to industry changes, developing our
organisation and employees is crucial for maintaining competitiveness and fostering growth. We
will review our structure, align roles, and promote
agility. Succession planning and career development programs will identify and nurture future
leaders. Enhanced training will keep pace with
tech advancements, while o昀昀ering opportunities
for re-skilling and upskilling ensures adaptability
to emerging technologies like AI and automation.
Nurture a culture of health and well-being
Prioritising health and wellbeing within our organisation is vital for sustained success and resilience
in today’s workplace. By focusing on both physical
and mental health, we anticipate bene昀椀ts such as
increased productivity, decreased absenteeism,
and improved talent retention. This commitment
not only ful昀椀ls our legal and ethical obligations
but also saves costs by preventing illnesses and
reducing turnover. To achieve this, we will launch
tailored health campaigns, embed mental health
support into our processes, enhance insurance
packages, bolster employee engagement, invest
in community health initiatives, and maintain a
focus on human rights through ongoing training.