Gearbulk Integrated Report 2023 - Report - Page 107
Gearbulk Safety Leadership Online Training
Re昀氀ective Learning
The online Gearbulk Safety Leadership Training is now a
Re昀氀ective learning involves looking back at something, such
standard program which is conducted with crew attending
as an experience or an idea, and then critically analysing the
remotely from their homes around the world.
event. Gearbulk has adapted this process to create a tailor
made, interactive Re昀氀ective Learning program for the 昀氀eet.
The course teaches participants hands-on leadership and how
they should act and behave in di昀昀erent scenarios onboard.
The activity is a face-to-face facilitated group discussion,
The leadership style learned is closely connected with the
supported by simple and engaging materials to make the
Gearbulk values and G3 Safety culture initiatives, such as the
emotional connection. In the group discussion, attendees
5 Safety I’s and Life-Saving Rules.
re昀氀ect on “how can similar things happen on my vessel” and
their own behaviors such as “what can I do di昀昀erently to
By the end of 2023, most senior o昀케cers at Gearbulk had
prevent a similar incident.”
completed this training, and we commenced training our
junior o昀케cers. Considering the recent recruitment of many
The Re昀氀ective Learning Programme was launched in 2019
new o昀케cers to our 昀氀eet, we plan to extend this training
and since then, a monthly onboard training regime has been
program to ensure that all receive it. The feedback from
followed, containing relevant and varied topics. The vessels
participants has been highly positive, with many noting how
are provided with supportive training material for each topic,
they have applied the techniques learned during the course
such as videos, PowerPoint presentations and a facilitator
to their onboard tasks.
guide. The aim of the videos provided is to create an interactive learning experience for the seafarers by examining root
The course is conducted by Gearbulk employees who have
cause(s) of provoking incidents, as well as suggesting actions
expert knowledge in human factors, with most facilitators
which may have prevented incidents from happening or to
also having sea-side experience. In-house facilitators greatly
mitigate their consequences.
enhance the course’s relatability, as the connection brings the
material closer to the participants through real and relevant
More training sessions will be added to the existing Re昀氀ec-
examples from Gearbulk vessels.
tive Learning Library with special focus on seafarers’ mental
health and learning from incidents happening onboard Gear-
ECDIS Training
bulk vessels, with the intent of making sure the incident will
ECDIS on board training is carried out on a weekly basis,
not happen again.
including discussions between Deck O昀케cers and Cadets
related to the Company’s ECDIS Quick Reference guide.