Gearbulk ESG Report 2023 - Report - Page 69
Gearbulk places a high priority on cybersecurity
management due to its signi昀椀cant actual and potential impacts on various aspects of society, including the
economy, environment, and human rights. Recognising
the potential breaches that may compromise human
rights and safety, the Company diligently assesses its
activities and business relationships to identify vulnerabilities or risks related to cybersecurity, ensuring
the protection of sensitive data and critical systems.
Gearbulk has established robust policies and commitments regarding cybersecurity, emphasising the importance of data protection and risk mitigation strategies. To
prevent potential negative impacts, proactive measures
such as regular cybersecurity assessments, employee
training on cyber threats, and the implementation of
cybersecurity protocols and technologies are put in
We acknowledge the signi昀椀cant threat that
place. In cases of actual negative impacts, such as data
cyber threats pose to the shipping industry,
breaches, Gearbulk takes swift action to address them,
and we have proactively implemented a
cooperating with authorities and implementing remedial
range of security measures to safeguard
measures to minimise the impact and prevent future
against potential cyberattacks. Our ongoing
investment in robust security controls not
only minimises our vulnerability to cyber
Additionally, Gearbulk continuously enhances its cyber-
threats but also ensures a more reliable
security measures to adapt to evolving threats and
and secure service for our customers.
technologies, managing potential positive impacts by
By diligently identifying and addressing
strengthening its cybersecurity practices continually. The
potential system vulnerabilities, we strive
e昀昀ectiveness of these actions is tracked through rigorous
to mitigate disruptions to our operations,
monitoring processes, with goals, targets, and indicators
o昀昀ering our customers the assurance that
used to evaluate progress. Lessons learned from this
their cargo will be delivered punctually and
tracking are incorporated into operational policies and
without interruption.
procedures to further bolster cybersecurity practices.
We actively engage in the exchange of
Furthermore, Gearbulk engages with stakeholders to
cyber threat intelligence with various
gather feedback and insights, ensuring that its actions
security entities in the Maritime and
align with stakeholder expectations and e昀昀ectively
Shipping sector, including the Norwegian
protect against cyber threats. Despite the evolving
Maritime Cyber Resilience Centre, as well
nature of technology and its associated impacts, Gearbulk
as renowned national and global organ-
remains committed to continuously enhancing its IT secu-
isations. The information obtained from
rity. Measures implemented include robust IT systems,
threat intelligence is thoroughly assessed
enhanced security measures for remote working,
and utilised to enhance detection capabili-
simulated phishing attacks, vigorous testing of poten-
ties and reduce overall cyber risk. Addition-
tial vulnerabilities in the IT environment, and regular
ally, our participation in various initiatives
cybersecurity training and awareness campaigns for
and regular engagement in cybersecurity
employees. Through these comprehensive approaches,
forums allow us to share knowledge and
Gearbulk demonstrates its commitment to maintaining
stay informed about emerging threats
cybersecurity resilience and safeguarding its operations,
a昀昀ecting our industry.
stakeholders, and data from potential cyber risks.