Gearbulk ESG Report 2023 - Report - Page 55
Gearbulk is committed to managing both the negative and potential impacts on diversity and inclusion, understanding their signi昀椀cance across the
economy, environment, and society. Recognising
the importance of diversity in fuelling creativity and
innovation, Gearbulk actively promotes diverse
backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives within
its workforce.
Gearbulk ensures equal opportunity by making
employment decisions solely based on objective
criteria, thereby fostering trust and minimising
Gearbulk recognises that its activities have signi昀椀-
turnover. Additionally, Gearbulk strives to create an
cant implications for diversity and inclusion, both
inclusive environment where every individual feels
potentially and actually, as per the Global Reporting
valued and respected, unleashing the full potential
Initiative (GRI) standards. In terms of potential
of its workforce. Regular reviews and training on
impacts, Gearbulk acknowledges the importance
workplace harassment policies demonstrate our
of its recruitment practices and workforce compo-
commitment to fostering a discrimination-free
sition. Actively promoting diversity and inclusivity
in hiring processes is crucial, as it can lead to a
more representative and experienced workforce.
ESG reporting, guided by GRI standards, ensures
Moreover, Gearbulk understands that its policies
transparency and dialogue with stakeholders
and workplace culture play a critical role in either
regarding e昀昀orts related to diversity, equality,
supporting or hindering inclusivity, thereby directly
health, safety, and more. Gearbulk actively engages
in昀氀uencing employee morale and retention.
with stakeholders to communicate its actions, incorporating lessons learned into operational policies
In terms of actual impacts, Gearbulk acknowl-
and procedures for continuous improvement.
edges that its operations may directly a昀昀ect the
Through these comprehensive approaches, Gear-
communities it serves, potentially in昀氀uencing
bulk demonstrates its dedication to managing diver-
diversity and inclusion through interactions with
sity and inclusion e昀昀ectively across its operations.
suppliers, customers, and stakeholders. Therefore,
Gearbulk is committed to proactively managing
To further articulate our commitment to providing
these impacts by implementing policies, fostering
equal opportunities for all, we have detailed
inclusive cultures, and engaging with stakeholders
guidelines in the Gearbulk Employment Code of
to promote diversity and inclusion across its oper-
Conduct, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Code
ations in alignment with GRI standards.
of Business Ethics.