Gearbulk ESG Report 2023 - Report - Page 43
Worker participation, consultation and communication
on occupational health and safety
Gearbulk is committed to ensuring the health and safety of
its workers and stakeholders through e昀昀ective participation,
consultation and communication processes. The company
has established a health and safety management system
that involves workers at all levels in the development,
implementation and evaluation of policies, procedures and
practices. Workers are consulted through regular meetings,
surveys, feedback mechanisms and training sessions. They
are also encouraged to report any hazards, incidents or concerns to their supervisors or health and safety representatives. The company provides access to and communicates
relevant information on occupational health and safety to
workers through various channels, such as newsletters,
posters, intranet, notice boards and toolbox talks. Gearbulk
Worker training on occupational health and safety
has also formed joint management-worker health and
Gearbulk is committed to providing a safe and healthy work
safety committees at each of its operational sites. These
environment for all its workers, and to prevent occupational
committees are responsible for reviewing health and safety
injuries and illnesses. To achieve this, Gearbulk o昀昀ers
performance, identifying and addressing risks, monitoring
various types of occupational health and safety training to
compliance and recommending improvements. The com-
its workers, covering both generic and speci昀椀c topics. The
mittees meet at least quarterly and have the authority to
training includes:
make decisions on health and safety matters. All workers
are represented by these committees, either directly or
• Basic health and safety awareness and procedures, such
through their elected representatives.
as emergency response, 昀椀re safety, 昀椀rst aid, and personal
protective equipment.
Promotion of worker health
We value the health and well-being of our workforce and we
• Identi昀椀cation and assessment of work-related hazards, such
support them by providing access to medical and healthcare
as ergonomic, chemical, physical, biological, and psychoso-
services that are not related to their work. We also o昀昀er
cial hazards.
voluntary services and programs that promote health and
address the major health risks that our workers may face
• Prevention and control of work-related hazards, such as
outside of work. We think that by investing in the health
hazard elimination, substitution, engineering controls,
and wellness of our workers, we can create a safer, more
administrative controls, and safe work practices.
productive, and more sustainable work environment.
• Speci昀椀c training on hazardous activities or situations, such
Gearbulk provides its workforce with comprehensive insur-
as working at heights, con昀椀ned spaces, electrical safety,
ance coverage. Moreover, the Company has a high focus on
manual handling, and driving.
mental health and has launched regular campaigns to raise
awareness among workers about the importance of taking
The training is delivered through various methods, such as
care of their health, both physical and mental, and seeking
online courses, classroom sessions, on-the-job coaching, and
medical help when necessary. These sessions include infor-
toolbox talks. The training is tailored to the needs and roles of
mation about the insurance resources available, preventive
di昀昀erent workers, and is updated regularly to re昀氀ect changes
measures and wellness initiatives. We also encourage
in legislation, standards, and best practices. The training is
physical activity and a healthy lifestyle among workers by of-
also evaluated for its e昀昀ectiveness and impact on workers’
fering exercise classes, recreational activities, incentives and
knowledge, skills, and behaviour.
rewards for participating in 昀椀tness challenges and wellness