Gearbulk ESG Report 2023 - Report - Page 24
Mitigate climate change through carbon capture
Advance climate responsibility through fuel opti-
In 2023, a dedicated team investigated the potential
In acknowledgment of the environmental impact of our
of applying Carbon Capture technology onboard our
activities, we are actively engaging in the exploration of
vessels. The initial assessment was promising, prompting
new technologies to signi昀椀cantly curtail our greenhouse
us to proceed with a feasibility study. This study aims
gas (GHG) emissions in 2024. As part of our commit-
to provide a comprehensive overview of the bene昀椀ts
ment, a number of our vessels have been equipped with
associated with implementing such technologies and
Yara’s Fuel optimisation system, speci昀椀cally designed
explore the feasibility of integrating Carbon Capture into
to enhance energy e昀케ciency and operational perfor-
our operations, thus aligning with our commitment to
mance. These vessels are currently undergoing testing
climate change mitigation.
to evaluate the system’s e昀케ciency. Upon the conclusion
of these tests, the performance data will be thoroughly
Transition to carbon-neutral fuel for future climate
analysed, paving the way for potential expansion of
this technology to other vessels. This forward-looking
Anticipating the imperative for climate action, Gearbulk
approach underscores our dedication to advancing
is charting a course towards the adoption of alternative
sustainable practices and aligns with our ongoing e昀昀orts
fuels. In 2023, at MEPC 80, the IMO o昀케cially endorsed
to comply with climate change initiatives.
the use of sustainable Biofuel as a carbon-neutral
alternative, contingent on speci昀椀c criteria, e昀昀ective
Create awareness of climate change
from October 1st, 2023. Looking ahead, Gearbulk is
By fostering a greater understanding of the environ-
committed to furthering this initiative, with plans to
mental challenges we face, individuals, communities, and
expand the use of sustainable Biofuel in strict adher-
businesses can collectively advocate for and implement
ence to these criteria. This forward-looking commitment
sustainable practices. Increased awareness encourages
re昀氀ects our dedication to environmentally responsible
the adoption of eco-friendly technologies, energy-ef-
practices and aligns seamlessly with the industry’s
昀椀cient solutions, and a reduction in carbon-intensive
larger movement towards embracing sustainable and
activities. Moreover, it empowers stakeholders to actively
carbon-neutral fuel sources.
engage in supporting and complying with climate change
regulations, in昀氀uencing policy decisions and industry
standards. Education campaigns, community outreach,
and corporate initiatives that prioritise climate change
awareness not only contribute to a more informed and
environmentally conscious society but also play a crucial
role in achieving broader regulatory compliance and
fostering a global commitment to combating climate